加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民各位大神请问下产金ei和公司的产金福利可以计算
产金类的EI一直可以算,此外For the 2021 intake, we’re continuing to allow sponsors (and co-signers, if you have one) to count regular Employment Insurance benefits in their income calculations for the 2020 tax year, rather than just special Employment Insurance benefits. Sponsors can also include any Canada Emergency Response Benefits (whether issued under the Employment Issuance Act or the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit Act) and other temporary COVID-19 related benefits to their total income for 2020 as long as they are not part of provincial social assistance programs.
产金 是可以算的。
加拿大新生代 发表在2楼
产金类的EI一直可以算,此外For the 2021 intake, we’re continuin...公司给的产假福利也是计算在内吗
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