加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Scarborough IRCC Citizenship 回覆
对于最近疫情期间申请入籍的朋友们 如果在多伦多 申请大概率都是在scarborough office
这两天我给scarborough office 发了不少邮件 也给Mp 让Mp和ircc总部去问 得到的答复基本上就是申请没有啥问题 现在 基本上就是要等 好过好几周才能拿到宣誓通知
对 我就是给审批入籍申请的VO 管理宣誓的部门直接发了邮件 关键人家还很负责的 几分钟内回复了。
(在此我不提供VO的邮箱 怕大家滥用)
回复如下 基本上就直说 现在等着宣誓的人很多 VO没办法保证加速 加速也需要比如要探望国内的重病亲人 而且拿不到本国护照(比如中国护照)或者一份需要加拿大公民身份的工作 或者去加拿大学校读书
满足也不保证加速 所以大家基本上淡定些吧 我给审批的VO 包括scheduling, eapps 这两个部门是发错了 邮箱 最后 ceremony的人回复了 如下
Good Day
Thank you for your email. Please be advised that we have a large inventory of applicants waiting for Ceremony. To apply for urgent processing of your Ceremony, you must have an emergency, such as:
needing Canadian citizenship to:
apply for a job
avoid losing your job
go to a Canadian school, college or university
needing to travel because of death or serious illness in your family and you can’t get a passport in your current nationality
Even if these conditions apply to you, we may not be able to process your request urgently. If we do process your request urgently, we may not be able to do it in time to help your situation. Please provide proof of your emergency in order for us to determine if we can schedule your ceremony sooner.
Thank you
IRCC Scarborough Team
基本上, 都是官式回应, 没有什么实质的意义。
我给Mp催了 local审批VO发了邮件到负责的邮箱 都没用
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