加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Canada set to boost `family' immigrants希望这新闻给我们力量
http://www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/272917OTTAWA?The federal government says it will allow more family members living abroad to join their relatives already here in Canada. Canada will accept up to 71,000 immigrants in the family class next year ? spouses, partners, dependants, parents and grandparents of immigrants already here, according to the immigration department's newly released annual report. That's 2,000 more than will be allowed into the country this year...希望上帝怜悯,让我们和彼岸的他,她团聚吧,不要再折磨,不要再质疑,不要再推迟。
以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 反馈:lynn_li lynn_li 0$(VIP 0) 7972007-11-02#2 回复: Canada set to boost `family' immigrants希望这新闻给我们力量看上去是好消息哦~~
Scientific American 超赞 赏 木尘子 0$(VIP 0) 5,6392007-11-02#3 回复: Canada set to boost `family' immigrants希望这新闻给我们力量联邦政府刚发表的决定:增加家庭团聚移民量,减少技术移民和投资移民。2006 年加拿大移民中投资移民占了54.9% 可是团聚只有28%多点。
以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 N nnong 0$(VIP 0) 1,0292007-11-02#4 回复: Canada set to boost `family' immigrants希望这新闻给我们力量希望运作起来,真的能审批出那么多。2005年父母移民,quota 18000,可真正才批出12471. 说的做的不一样。希望改了政府能有所改变。正在想给移民部长写封email,告诉她如果真的父母团聚能加快,我会投票给保守党。
回复: Canada set to boost `family' immigrants希望这新闻给我们力量好消息。
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