加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助:有没有10月20号左右担保DM了,现在网上还查不到的?
魁省+HK的CASE 我是10月24号收到DM信的,信上显示的是10月22号通过DM的。信上提到由于我是魁省居民,要求我到魁省移民局网站上下载魁省担保书的表格并寄到魁省移民局。我已经于11月4号亲自去MICC交了魁省担保表。并已经查到11月10号扣了魁省担保的钱。 但我在CIC上查我的状态一直显示如下:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (after February 14, 1977);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to register and retain Canadian citizenship;applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS. 我试了用三个号码查询都一样的显示,枫叶卡上的号码,DM信上的号码,5401上的号码都查过了,结果都是一样。请问大家都是什么时候查询才有相关的信息的呢?
回复: 求助:有没有10月20号左右担保DM了,现在网上还查不到的?我11月3日邮寄出资料并交了费,现在也查不到任何信息,有谁知道要多久才可以查到????
HK Case :2008.11.3寄出,11.5签收,12月8担保DM,2月10号大信封 超赞 赏 Cynthia紫 0$(VIP 0) 3132008-11-17#3 回复: 求助:有没有10月20号左右担保DM了,现在网上还查不到的?魁省的不知道,帮你顶! 问问过来人~
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