加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港办理团聚,昨天收到封奇怪的信,请大家帮忙看看
香港办理团聚,昨天收到大使馆寄来奇怪的信,请大家帮忙看看正在办理老公孩子的团聚移民,1月份递的香港。苦苦等了8个月却在昨天收到封奇怪的信。我把信件贴上来,请大家帮忙看看怎么回事。 Dear applicant, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. The form “Use of a Reprehensive (IMM5476) was not submitted with your application. However, based on a review of the format and content of the documentation that you have provides with your application, we are concerned that an agent has represented, advised, or consulted with you. Regulation 10(2) (c.1) and (c.2) of the immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states the following:The application shall, unless otherwise provides by these Regulations, include the name, postal address and telephone number of any person who represents the applicant, and the person’s fax number and electronic mail address, if any: if the person who represents the applicant is charging a fee for representation, include: the name of the organization referred to in definition “authorized representative” of which the person is a member and the membership identification number issued by that organization to the person; Note that withholding the above relevant and material information may be considered misrepresentation as described in Section 40(1) (a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The consequence of misrepresentation could be a two-year period of inadmissibility, as described in Section 40(2) (a) of the Act. You have advised to address the above concerns within 60 days of the date of this letter. We must to caution you that should you fall to respond to this letter, or should the information you provide fail to disabuse this office of the concerns above, we intend to refuse your application as per subsections 10 (c.1) and (c.2)of the Immigration and Refugee Protections …….. 我理解是他们觉得我们请了中介办理但是没有附上中介的信息,要我们补。但是我们完全是自己DIY办理的,不知道VO怎么会得出这样的结论?而且我们当时因为孩子也一起申请,我老公作为孩子的代表填写递交了5476表格,不知道是否和这个有关系?但是这和信的说法不是相反了吗? 请大家指教我们应该怎样回复这封信呢?感谢大家啊!现在真的很担心很茫然啊!
回复: 香港办理团聚,昨天收到封奇怪的信,请大家帮忙看看请大家帮忙出出主意吧,谢谢了!
回复: 香港办理团聚,昨天收到封奇怪的信,请大家帮忙看看写信解释清楚就可以了
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 G gcgy0611 0$(VIP 0) 2332009-08-17#4 回复: 香港办理团聚,昨天收到封奇怪的信,请大家帮忙看看看信就是误会你没有交那个IMM5476,你是自己办的,就只有赶快写信去解释清楚呀。而且,给孩子办,也不用你老公填写那个表呀,就是直接在申请表里填写和交相关文件就是了嘛。这样反而让VO误会了。
回复: 香港办理团聚,昨天收到封奇怪的信,请大家帮忙看看感谢楼上的各位!有没有人写过类似的解释信呢?能有个大概格式给我参考下吗?因为我的英文不大好。谢谢大家啊!
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