加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?



3月初签收---3HK:3月25日IP---4月7日收到FN(VO:LI)并且主动要求资料――4月11日寄出快递补资料――5月1日收到60天补料信(VO变SCH)――5月31日收到DNA补料信――6月4日广州DNA采样――7月1日收到DNA结果和收据――2010年12月中补2宝资料――3月7日主动补RCMP结果到HK――等待上帝的时间! 超赞 赏 henryj60 0$(VIP 0) 4,2622010-08-30#2 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?夫妻团聚不需要担保人最低收入。 最低收入=>0

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养 超赞 赏 lamb-bule 0$(VIP 0) 2692010-08-30#3 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?但大家都知道HK领事馆是看重经济的。。。所以嘛。。。有知道的同学吗?

3月初签收---3HK:3月25日IP---4月7日收到FN(VO:LI)并且主动要求资料――4月11日寄出快递补资料――5月1日收到60天补料信(VO变SCH)――5月31日收到DNA补料信――6月4日广州DNA采样――7月1日收到DNA结果和收据――2010年12月中补2宝资料――3月7日主动补RCMP结果到HK――等待上帝的时间! 超赞 赏 henryj60 0$(VIP 0) 4,2622010-08-30#4 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?"但大家都知道HK领事馆是看重经济的"。这句话根本就没有根据。加拿大没有、也不会出现一国两制的情况。一切按法律条文办理。所以看重经济的说法并不正确。 担保人收入必须合理。如果你是全职学生,0收入也肯定能在香港通过。如果一个成年人,几年来都没有收入,还申请担保。哪里都会画个问号。那么合理的理由必须提供给CIC。

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养 超赞 赏 B beckhamming 0$(VIP 0) 822010-08-30#5 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?guide上写了要满足最新公布的国民收入最低标准,能满足生活要求

回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?楼上的同学,你说的guide在哪?能给个链接地址吗?

3月初签收---3HK:3月25日IP---4月7日收到FN(VO:LI)并且主动要求资料――4月11日寄出快递补资料――5月1日收到60天补料信(VO变SCH)――5月31日收到DNA补料信――6月4日广州DNA采样――7月1日收到DNA结果和收据――2010年12月中补2宝资料――3月7日主动补RCMP结果到HK――等待上帝的时间!楼上的同学,你说的guide在哪?能给个链接地址吗?点击展开...IMM 3900Sponsorship of a spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child living outside Canada ― Part 1: The sponsor’s guide (IMM 3900) Sponsorship What does it mean to “sponsor?” When you sponsor persons who are members of the family class, you must sign an undertaking with the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (or with the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC) if you live in Quebec) promising to provide financial support for their basic requirements and those of their family members immigrating to Canada with them. Basic requirements are food, clothing, shelter and other basic requirements for everyday living. Dental care, eye care and other health needs not covered by public health services are also included. The undertaking ensures these persons and their family members do not have to apply for social assistance. Its length varies according to their age and/or their relationship to you. Your obligations as a sponsor begin as soon as the person you are sponsoring and, if applicable, his or her family members arrive in Canada. The following table shows when your obligations end. If that person or his or her family member is Your obligations end your spouse or your common-law or conjugal partner three years after that person becomes a permanent resident your dependent child or a dependent child of your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and under 22 years of age on the day he or she becomes a permanent resident ten years after that child becomes a permanent resident or on the day that child reaches age 25, whichever comes first your dependent child or a dependent child of your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and 22 years of age or over on the day he or she becomes a permanent resident three years after that child becomes a permanent resident any other person (e.g., your father, your mother, your grandparents or a dependent child of your parents) ten years after that person becomes a permanent resident Note:An immigrant who comes to Canada to live permanently does not become a permanent resident before having satisfied immigration officials that he or she meets all applicable requirements. The decision to grant permanent residence to an immigrant may coincide with that immigrant’s arrival in Canada or may be reached at a later date. If payments from a federal, provincial or municipal assistance program are made during the validity period of the undertaking to the person you are sponsoring or his or her family members, you will be considered to be in default of your obligations,may have to repay to the government concerned any benefits they received, andwill not be allowed to sponsor other members of the family class until you have reimbursed the amount of these payments to the government concerned. If you live in Quebec and the person you want to sponsor intends to live there upon arrival, make sure you read the information concerning sponsors living in Quebec.

[FONT=&quot]2010[/FONT]年[FONT=&quot]6-2[/FONT]寄出>6-4?收>6-24改地址Fax to CIC>7-9~DM-CIC>7-13担保人收DM信,担保人和申?人收BJ~FN-Email>7-16~12>7-18补护照及儋料>7-19收FN信>7-20~2>8-12担保人Email BJ使疝>8-25担保人收面?Email,申?人接电?面?>9-14面?通过楼上的同学,你说的guide在哪?能给个链接地址吗?点击展开... [FONT=&quot]家 庭 [/FONT]收入: [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]很接近 sponsors living in Quebec. Sponsorship of a spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child living outside Canada Part 1: The sponsor’s guide (IMM 3900) Tables and charts Quebec Income Scale, 2010 Effective from January 1 to December 31, 2010 Sponsors (guarantors) are presumed to be able to satisfy their undertaking if in the last 12 months they have had gross income from Canadian sources equal to the SUM of the amount shown in Table 1 and the amount in Table 2 below. These amounts are indexed each year. Table 1 - Basic Income Required by Sponsor to Meet Basic Needs of Own Family​ Basic Annual Income Required​ 1 [FONT=&quot] Number of Family Members[/FONT] C$20,584 2 [FONT=&quot] Number of Family Members[/FONT] C$27,787 3 [FONT=&quot] Number of Family Members[/FONT] C$34,306 4 [FONT=&quot]Number of Family Members [/FONT]C$39,455 5 [FONT=&quot]Number of Family Members [/FONT]C$43,913 The gross annual income is increased by C$4,457 for each additional dependant.

[FONT=&quot]2010[/FONT]年[FONT=&quot]6-2[/FONT]寄出>6-4?收>6-24改地址Fax to CIC>7-9~DM-CIC>7-13担保人收DM信,担保人和申?人收BJ~FN-Email>7-16~12>7-18补护照及儋料>7-19收FN信>7-20~2>8-12担保人Email BJ使疝>8-25担保人收面?Email,申?人接电?面?>9-14面?通过楼上的同学,你说的guide在哪?能给个链接地址吗?点击展开...不要再找了。联邦夫妻担保移民没有收入要求。楼上的连接是Family Class 登陆后的的担保承诺。就是说如果申请人在担保期内有经济困难,担保人必须履行义务。 这个问题我给移民局热线打过电话,答案是:如果有合理的解释,零收入都可以。夫妻团聚说穿了也是人道移民的一种 至于Quebec 的,没有研究过。

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养不要再找了。联邦夫妻担保移民没有收入要求。楼上的连接是Family Class 登陆后的的担保承诺。就是说如果申请人在担保期内有经济困难,担保人必须履行义务。 这个问题我给移民局热线打过电话,答案是:如果有合理的解释,零收入都可以。夫妻团聚说穿了也是人道移民的一种 至于Quebec 的,没有研究过。点击展开...Yes ,you right, but IMM5491: Document Checklist #17 ,18 , 19and page 1 on topIf a person has no income how can they earn a living?

[FONT=&quot]2010[/FONT]年[FONT=&quot]6-2[/FONT]寄出>6-4?收>6-24改地址Fax to CIC>7-9~DM-CIC>7-13担保人收DM信,担保人和申?人收BJ~FN-Email>7-16~12>7-18补护照及儋料>7-19收FN信>7-20~2>8-12担保人Email BJ使疝>8-25担保人收面?Email,申?人接电?面?>9-14面?通过 超赞 赏 B beckhamming 0$(VIP 0) 822010-08-31#11 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3900E.pdf 这guide的33页的钱的要求,不是Quebec的,就不用了吗? 那如何证明可以有足够经济能力担保家人呢? 不可能毫无要求吧

回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?Yes ,you right, but IMM5491: Document Checklist #17 ,18 , 19and page 1 on topIf a person has no income how can they earn a living?点击展开... 对,反复提到minimum necessary income. 到底这个是多少? 是否guide最后一页Quebec那个

回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?对,反复提到minimum necessary income. 到底这个是多少? 是否guide最后一页Quebec那个点击展开... 应该是很接近, 每[FONT=&quot]个省生活水平不一?[/FONT][FONT=&quot],[/FONT]看你申?时住的省(如城市和小?),我想一个人大约应该是 年薪一万五以上吧 (BC省起薪8.50 hrs ?算) !

[FONT=&quot]2010[/FONT]年[FONT=&quot]6-2[/FONT]寄出>6-4?收>6-24改地址Fax to CIC>7-9~DM-CIC>7-13担保人收DM信,担保人和申?人收BJ~FN-Email>7-16~12>7-18补护照及儋料>7-19收FN信>7-20~2>8-12担保人Email BJ使疝>8-25担保人收面?Email,申?人接电?面?>9-14面?通过Yes ,you right, but IMM5491: Document Checklist #17 ,18 , 19and page 1 on topIf a person has no income how can they earn a living?点击展开...我不久前刚督办成功的案例,担保方是全职学生。不仅没有收入,还有OSAP贷款。解释一下:目前在读,靠贷款和家人赞助生活。之后展望以下毕业工作以后的生活来源就行了。联邦根本就没有夫妻团聚的最低收入要求

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养 超赞 赏 lamb-bule 0$(VIP 0) 2692010-08-31#15 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?多些楼上同学的讨论和给予的文字参考~~~至少我们知道大约多少钱能合乎要求了。

3月初签收---3HK:3月25日IP---4月7日收到FN(VO:LI)并且主动要求资料――4月11日寄出快递补资料――5月1日收到60天补料信(VO变SCH)――5月31日收到DNA补料信――6月4日广州DNA采样――7月1日收到DNA结果和收据――2010年12月中补2宝资料――3月7日主动补RCMP结果到HK――等待上帝的时间!我不久前刚督办成功的案例,担保方是全职学生。不仅没有收入,还有OSAP贷款。解释一下:目前在读,靠贷款和家人赞助生活。之后展望以下毕业工作以后的生活来源就行了。联邦根本就没有夫妻团聚的最低收入要求点击展开...Can you explain that < 靠贷款和家人赞助生活 > ? Thank you !

[FONT=&quot]2010[/FONT]年[FONT=&quot]6-2[/FONT]寄出>6-4?收>6-24改地址Fax to CIC>7-9~DM-CIC>7-13担保人收DM信,担保人和申?人收BJ~FN-Email>7-16~12>7-18补护照及儋料>7-19收FN信>7-20~2>8-12担保人Email BJ使疝>8-25担保人收面?Email,申?人接电?面?>9-14面?通过 超赞 赏 M motul2000 0$(VIP 0) 512010-09-05#17 回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?有人知Ontario minimum necessary income of sponsor?? thanks~

回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?若不是学生,一个有手有脚有能力的身无分文,让你过也拖死你。人家没明文规定不代表没有那潜规则吖,又不是没有被拒的先例。。

回复: 请教:有没有同学知道家庭团聚担保人需要多少钱的最低收入?有人知Ontario minimum necessary income of sponsor?? thanks~点击展开...No minimum necessary income of sponsor. No, No, No!!!!!

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