加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在IP期间BB出生,补了BB的申请,然后又收到这封信,麻烦大家帮忙.
老婆是申请人,,上月补了BB的申请,IMM 0008 IMM5406..现在又收到这样的信,, Dar applicant,This refers to your application for permanent residence in canada and your submission received on 20may11.In order to continue the processing of your application,please proceed with the items below:Updated application forms completed and signed by you:IMM8(Generic)IMM5406 Additional Family Composition(please download the forms from www.hongkong.gc.ca)IF you are unable to provide any of the above documents, please provide the written explanation and provide other official evidence to support your application.All documents should be accompanied by an English or French translation.Please ensure that the above items must be completed or sent to the Consulate within45 days.Note that no follow-up letter will be sent. If you do not reply to this letter,a decision will be made based on the information on file .This may result in the refusal of your application这两个表填的BB资料..
回复: 在IP期间BB出生,补了BB的申请,然后又收到这封信,麻烦大家帮忙.再问,上次收的的信说是要补 IMM0008 IMM5406 家庭成员的变更,,那样老婆是申请人,现在BB 出生,,IMM 0008 是写老婆的还是BB的..
回复: 在IP期间BB出生,补了BB的申请,然后又收到这封信,麻烦大家帮忙.表是写你老婆的, 然后她的随行家属, 就要填BB的资料
回复: 在IP期间BB出生,补了BB的申请,然后又收到这封信,麻烦大家帮忙.谢谢,那请问,更新这个表的资料,还需要贴老婆的大头照片吗?
回复: 在IP期间BB出生,补了BB的申请,然后又收到这封信,麻烦大家帮忙.不用
回复: 在IP期间BB出生,补了BB的申请,然后又收到这封信,麻烦大家帮忙.呵呵,老婆是主申请人不变,只是增加家庭成员的部分,即你的宝宝!
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