加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民夫妻团聚 收到好像是不是大信 大家帮我看看吧 是邮寄护照吗


Your application has been assigned the above file number. Please take note of it for future referenceWe recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail. When you do so, youshould clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that yourdocuments have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. Our Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the immigrant category in which you have appliedcurrently require approximately eight (8) months to process at this office for routine cases. We recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail. When you do so, youshould clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that yourdocuments have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. OurWe recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail. When you do so, youshould clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that your documents have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. Our office is unable to provide confirmation for each document we receive. Please note that all correspondence in a language other than English or French MUST be accompanied byan English or French translation. If you have provided an e-mail address on your application, please check it regularly as we will beusing e-mail as primary means of communication.

回复: 夫妻团聚 收到好像是不是大信 大家帮我看看吧 是邮寄护照吗这不是典型的北京案子的Application Received(AR2)吗?

人生就是一个过程,你自己快乐就好。 超赞 赏 Feat看问题就像拼魔方,只看一个面不行,照顾六个面才成。 0$(VIP 0) 6,9082012-11-28#3 回复: 夫妻团聚 收到好像是不是大信 大家帮我看看吧 是邮寄护照吗我昨天收到了同样一封,一个字都不差地。谁能肯定这个是AR2?不是IP吗?We recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail.刚开始我看到这句话还以为让我补料呢,看来是官方套话。我们的申请中还有这样一句话,你没有吗:Be advised that your apllication is processing normally and is in queue for assessment.

吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 超赞 赏 S shuaidehan1 0$(VIP 0) 42012-11-28#4 回复: 夫妻团聚 收到好像是不是大信 大家帮我看看吧 是邮寄护照吗一样的

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