加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?
护照已经邮出去三星期了 昨儿又收到邮件让补交加拿大的无犯罪证明 可是我们交申请的时候已经交了RCMP Criminal Record Check了啊? 去年10月底办的 这东西也会过期吗??不知道有没相同经历的 可不可以把之前那份的复印件扫描fax过去呢??
当我踏上这片土地,便无暇光顾身后的风景。 超赞 赏 E exceptional 0$(VIP 0) 822013-05-14#2 回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?没碰到过,帮顶一下
回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?是让担保人补加拿大无犯罪证明吗?为什么会要求这个?你有什么特殊情况吗?
回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?是让担保人补加拿大无犯罪证明吗?为什么会要求这个?你有什么特殊情况吗?点击展开... 让申请人补交,没什么特殊情况,就是申请人人一直在加拿大,有工作签字,目前是工作状态。
当我踏上这片土地,便无暇光顾身后的风景。 超赞 赏 I isrfengzi 0$(VIP 0) 1432013-05-15#5 回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?有类似情况的么?谢谢。
当我踏上这片土地,便无暇光顾身后的风景。 超赞 赏 L laomiao 0$(VIP 0) 1552013-05-15#6 回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?CIC says: "The certificate must have been issued no more than three months before you submit your application"so when is the certificate issued and when did you submit the application? I heard other people say taht the certificate should be good for 1 year, but I didn't find any official saying. anyway, you should request another certificate ASAP. there's not much point in finding out why they need it again.
回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?哦,原来你人在加拿大啊,那情况不同,不太了解,不过laomiao说的对,CIC是有这个要求,但是你的应该是没超过三个月就递交申请了吧,搞不清VO的想法,不过至少证明他在工作
回复: 急问:补互信20天后 又让交加拿大无犯罪证明 咋回事?CIC says: "The certificate must have been issued no more than three months before you submit your application"so when is the certificate issued and when did you submit the application? I heard other people say taht the certificate should be good for 1 year, but I didn't find any official saying. anyway, you should request another certificate ASAP. there's not much point in finding out why they need it again.点击展开... It was issured Dec.1.2012, I submitted on Dec.27.2012. I went to the office yesturday and they also told me it could be for one year. I'm waiting for the mail from Ottawa. Hopefully next week I can send it out. In my hand, I also have the last Dec. copy. Who knows... maybe VO lost my certificate.
当我踏上这片土地,便无暇光顾身后的风景。哦,原来你人在加拿大啊,那情况不同,不太了解,不过laomiao说的对,CIC是有这个要求,但是你的应该是没超过三个月就递交申请了吧,搞不清VO的想法,不过至少证明他在工作点击展开...是啊, 搞不清楚咋回事儿,希望下周能收到政府的信,然后DHL过去,希望完事就有好结果吧~
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