加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了



回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了消息从哪来

回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了大家自己google一下吧,北京是肯定受影响了。我这里有最新的linkhttp://www.rcinet.ca/en/2013/06/07/strike-by-canadian-diplomats-spreads-worldwide/

回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services2After weeks of sporadic and limited work actions, Canadian diplomats have started worldwide strikes after negotiations fell apart with their employer, the Canadian government.“After nearly two years of negotiations and a four-month hiatus in talks, the Government returned to the table with the same position they presented back in the fall of 2011,” says Tim Edwards, President of the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO), in a press release Thursday.“The Government’s unwillingness to compromise is an affront to the principles of free and fair bargaining, and to the tremendous value and dedication Foreign Service Officers offer to Canadians and their elected representatives,” said Edwards.The association started with work-to-rule tactics, no overtime, not answering e-mails after 5PM, leaving cell phones at work. That followed with information pickets in Ottawa, then Washington.The association wants parity with public servants in Canada who do similar work to theirs. It says the diplomats make thousands of dollars less than others in the public service. This even though, postings abroad bring all kinds of extra financial challenges that public servants in Ottawa do not have to face.A PAFSO spokesperson confirmed late Friday that all Foreign Service Officers in London, Ireland and Paris (not OECD) have withdrawn services. Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper arrives in London on Tuesday and goes to Paris and Dublin before a G8 summit in Ireland.The withdrawal of services affects Canadian immigration departments in Beijing, Shanghai, Delhi, and Chandigarth.All Foreign Service officers have withdrawn services from Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Washington and the EU in Brussels.More information:PAFSO press release - Canada’s Foreign Service Officers walk off job in Ottawa and around the world – hereRCI interview with Tim Edwards PAFSO President (audio from April 25, 2013) – here twitter.com/wojtekgwiazda Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services2

回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了请问,那现在是完全没有人在工作了是吗?还是有限制地工作?

回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了唉呀,刚准备递料!

入乡随俗! 超赞 赏 L liubo7211 0$(VIP 0) 22013-06-10#7 回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了希望早点结束。

回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了外交部和移民局是一个机构???

回复: 加拿大外交部6日开始罢工,估计团聚移民又要变慢了外交部和移民局是一个机构???点击展开...移民局在加拿大之外是隶属于外交部的。加拿大国内的部分比如CIC应该就没有直接的联系。上面也说了只有部分会受到影响,但是还是会保证最低工作量的。这个移民局网站也有更新信息。Alert – Strike ActionThe Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO) union is currently taking strike action. PAFSO union members responsible for processing visa applications have been walking out of offices in Canada and overseas.Posted processing times for both temporary and permanent resident visa applications do not take into account work stoppages.Anyone applying for a visa should anticipate delays and submit their application as far in advance as possible.Contingency plans are already in place to ensure all offices remain open and are providing at least a minimum level of service. Priority will be placed on urgent humanitarian applications.CIC continues to closely monitor the situation.

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