加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IMM 1344 Sponsor Eligibility Assessment Question 6 如何填 (multiple pending sponsorship application)
有一个棘手的问题请教各位兄弟姐妹,我2009年帮我母亲办理移民family sponsorship, sponsor parents,现在正在补材料,我正准备帮老公办移民family sponsorship, sponsor spouse,填IMM 1344 Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking 时,在Section Sponsor Eligibility Assessment 我遇到了问题,原文如下If you answer "Yes" to any question from 6 to 15, you may not be eligible to be a sponsor. Please refer to the guide for instructions before completing these questions.6. Have you submitted a previous application in respect of which a final decision has not been made for the person being sponsored and their family members?而guide上更夸张If you answer “Yes” to any question between 5 and 15, You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.干脆就说"not eligible"而不像表上的"may not" 请问大家有没有过或者提说过和我情况类似的,怎么回答这个问题,是回答Yes,还是No主要的症结在于如何解释"previous",这个"previous"是包括各种family sponsorship申请呢(那自然包括我母亲的)还是指sponsor spouse application?我希望是后者,常理上没有说要等父母的移民办下来后才能办配偶的,加入先给了母亲办,打算后给父亲办,难道还一定要等到母亲的移民批下来?请有经验的兄弟姐妹指点迷津万分感谢
今天打电话问了移民局了,回答是只填一个 principal applicant,我的case是申请了父母两人的。你母亲的申请包括在内的。这个选项应该是yes,表上写得是“may not be eligible", 所以不是一定不行,要看很多其他条件。仅供参考
刚好我今天打电话问了移民局同样的一个问题,回答是只填一个 principal applicant,我的case是申请了父母两人的。你母亲的申请包括在内的。这个选项应该是yes,表上写得是“may not be eligible", 所以不是一定不行,要看很多其他条件。仅供参考
Thank you so much for your help.
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