加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我备完料了,要付费,却不知道付款账户信息,求助!
我住多伦多,准备在加拿大境内申请夫妻团聚。查看5443,其processing fees项下要求复印两份付款收据,却没有找到付款给谁等账户、账号信息,敬请老童鞋赐教。另外接下来的一项是地址,CPC-M,PO BOX 5040 STN B, MISSISSAUGA, ON, L5A 3A4,是我邮寄全部材料的地址吧,请老童鞋帮助确认一下。还有,我只知道550和490两笔要交的费用,不知道两笔是什么钱,是不是同一账户。谢谢谢谢!
我现在搞清楚的问题:1、支付费用要有政府的5401E2-B表,按照表上的要求到银行付费,银行将收据贴在表的背面,我们和申请材料一起寄给政府,最好放在所有材料的最上面。2、境内申请材料邮寄地址是我上面提到的,即:CPC-M,PO BOX 5040 STN B, MISSISSAUGA, ON, L5A 3A4。在信封上,从MISSISSAUGA开始另起一行。3、团聚移民有两笔费用,一个是申请费,一个是登陆费。对于第一笔,担保人首先要付75块钱的申请费,主申请人如果在22岁以上或者结婚,则是475块钱,若在22岁以下而且没有结婚则是75快钱,随行人员22岁以上或者结婚,付550块钱,若在22岁以下而且没有结婚,付150块钱。登陆费,主申请人490块钱,随行人员如果不是子女,收养的孩子,或者孤儿身份的担保人的亲戚,也要交490块。4、付费表中有一个问题,需要注意:关于CLIENT ID.What is my client ID?Your client ID, also referred to as a UCI, appears on all documents you get from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It is aneight-digit number that looks like this: 0000-0000.If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a client ID. If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,” leave the space blank.谢谢!
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 I iris88 0$(VIP 0) 3292014-10-28#4 Mark
tonyxie 说:我现在搞清楚的问题:1、支付费用要有政府的5401E2-B表,按照表上的要求到银行付费,银行将收据贴在表的背面,我们和申请材料一起寄给政府,最好放在所有材料的最上面。----銀行不會給你完成粘貼任務,5401也是視同表格中的一份2、境内申请材料邮寄地址是我上面提到的,即:CPC-M(第一行,請寫全稱)PO BOX 5040 STN B(第二行)MISSISSAUGA, ON, L5A 3A4(第三行)。在信封上,从MISSISSAUGA开始另起一行。3、团聚移民有两笔费用,一个是申请费,一个是登陆费。对于第一笔,担保人首先要付75块钱的申请费,主申请人如果在22岁以上或者结婚,则是475块钱,若在22岁以下而且没有结婚则是75快钱,随行人员22岁以上或者结婚,付550块钱,若在22岁以下而且没有结婚,付150块钱。登陆费,主申请人490块钱,随行人员如果不是子女,收养的孩子,或者孤儿身份的担保人的亲戚,也要交490块。(理解正確)4、付费表中有一个问题,需要注意:关于CLIENT ID.(你的卡上的8位數字)What is my client ID?Your client ID, also referred to as a UCI, appears on all documents you get from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It is aneight-digit number that looks like this: 0000-0000.If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a client ID. If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,” leave the space blank.谢谢!点击展开...
北京:2014.09.25签收--2014.11.15AR1 超赞 赏 笨卡地 0$(VIP 0) 792014-10-29#6 4、付费表中有一个问题,需要注意:关于CLIENT ID.(楓葉卡上的8位數字)What is my client ID?Your client ID, also referred to as a UCI, appears on all documents you get from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It is aneight-digit number that looks like this: 0000-0000.If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a client ID. If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,” leave the space blank.谢谢![/QUOTE]
北京:2014.09.25签收--2014.11.15AR1 超赞 赏 枫叶·正红 0$(VIP 0) 1612014-10-30#7 留爪
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