加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民4月7号寄出材料,之后CIC在4月更新了IMM008表格,需要补寄新版表格么
2015年4月7号寄出材料,使用的是2015年2月的IMM008表格。但CIC在4月更新了IMM008表格,查看了一下,主要是最后一段的disclosure申明部分有变化。申请填写部分没有变化。今天收到香港AR2邮件,其中有一段说Update IMM008表。请问我需要重新填写4月版本的IMM008再寄到香港么?As applicable, if you have not already submitted the following for yourself or any dependents ages 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please provide:Updated IMM008 form, including details of all members named on your application, whether accompanying or not.Updated Schedule A (form IMM 5669) for each family member named on your application: You must declare all personal histories from the age of 18.Updated Additional Family Information (form IMM 5406) for each family member named on your application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not.
9 April 2015 签收4 May 2015 AR14 June 2015 DM124 July 2015 AR22015年4月7号寄出材料,使用的是2015年2月的IMM008表格。但CIC在4月更新了IMM008表格,查看了一下,主要是最后一段的disclosure申明部分有变化。申请填写部分没有变化。今天收到香港AR2邮件,其中有一段说Update IMM008表。请问我需要重新填写4月版本的IMM008再寄到香港么?As applicable, if you have not already submitted the following for yourself or any dependents ages 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not, please provide:Updated IMM008 form, including details of all members named on your application, whether accompanying or not.Updated Schedule A (form IMM 5669) for each family member named on your application: You must declare all personal histories from the age of 18.Updated Additional Family Information (form IMM 5406) for each family member named on your application, whether accompanying you to Canada or not.点击展开...这些我都要求补了 6月26日收到的邮件 同时还有户口本出生纸公证件和体检
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