加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民昨天收到移民局的信,老公的加拿大2年工作签证顺利通过。



EVEEVE 说:现在要考虑我的配偶团聚签证了。我是想问我老公人还没去加拿大工作,我们可以先申请配偶团聚签证吗?等团聚签证批下来到时一起过去。还有两给孩子。点击展开...不是PR不能担保你的移民吧? 你老公在两年后可以申请移民,如果他可以继续拿到工作签。然后他成为PR后才有可能申请你的团聚移民。https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...ship/spouse-partner-children/eligibility.htmlWho can become a sponsorYou can become a sponsor if you are:at least 18 years olda Canadian citizen, a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or a permanent resident living in Canada:If you are a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada when your sponsored relative(s) become(s) a permanent resident.You can’t sponsor someone if you are a permanent resident living outside Canada.able to prove that you are not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability, and;can provide for the basic needs of any person you are sponsoring (and in some limited situations, that you meet the low-income cut-off).

vivianbj 说:不是PR不能担保你的移民吧? 你老公在两年后可以申请移民,如果他可以继续拿到工作签。然后他成为PR后才有可能申请你的团聚移民。https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...ship/spouse-partner-children/eligibility.html点击展开...楼主说的不是团聚移民,是团聚工签由雇主赞助的工签 是可以给配偶办配偶工签的

chchao 说:楼主说的不是团聚移民,是团聚工签由雇主赞助的工签 是可以给配偶办配偶工签的点击展开...团聚工签与这个版面则是两回事了 单纯的配偶的工签提交的内容与境内移民的配偶的工签有很多不同。

EVEEVE 说:现在要考虑我的配偶团聚签证了。我是想问我老公人还没去加拿大工作,我们可以先申请配偶团聚签证吗?等团聚签证批下来到时一起过去。还有两给孩子。点击展开...名字都被你们叫坏了。经常听到什么什么签证,无非就是旅游签,工作前,移民签等。你这个是你老公有工作签证,你是可以申请另外一种OPEN WORK PERMIT,不是叫做什么团聚工签。

You're a spouse or family member of someone working or studying temporarily in CanadaYou may be eligible for an open work permit if you’re:a spouse of a skilled worker in an occupation under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0, A or B approved to work in Canada six months or longer,a spouse of a foreign student at a public post-secondary school, such as a college or university or collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Quebec,a family member of a foreign representative, ora family member of a foreign military member who is working in Canada.If your spouse has an open work permit (e.g. post-graduation work permit), you must attach a copy of your spouse’s work permit to your application for an open work permit, along with:a letter from your spouse’s current employer that confirms they work there in a NOC 0, A or B occupation, or a copy of your spouse’s employment offer or contract, anda copy of your spouse’s recent pay slips.Your permit will not be valid longer than your spouse’s work permit.

厉害 大家对于工签懂这么多我对工签是脑盲

人间正道是沧桑厉害 大家对于工签懂这么多我对工签是脑盲点击展开...你不需要工签啦,哈哈。

轻舟已过万重山。 说:厉害 大家对于工签懂这么多我对工签是脑盲点击展开...很多移民是PR一步到位的

vivianbj 说:不是PR不能担保你的移民吧? 你老公在两年后可以申请移民,如果他可以继续拿到工作签。然后他成为PR后才有可能申请你的团聚移民。https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...ship/spouse-partner-children/eligibility.htmlWho can become a sponsorYou can become a sponsor if you are:at least 18 years olda Canadian citizen, a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or a permanent resident living in Canada:If you are a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada when your sponsored relative(s) become(s) a permanent resident.You can’t sponsor someone if you are a permanent resident living outside Canada.able to prove that you are not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability, and;can provide for the basic needs of any person you are sponsoring (and in some limited situations, that you meet the low-income cut-off).点击展开...照你这么说,意思就是我老公必须要在加拿大有工作了以后我才能办理签证是吗?

kakalin 说:You're a spouse or family member of someone working or studying temporarily in CanadaYou may be eligible for an open work permit if you’re:a spouse of a skilled worker in an occupation under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0, A or B approved to work in Canada six months or longer,a spouse of a foreign student at a public post-secondary school, such as a college or university or collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Quebec,a family member of a foreign representative, ora family member of a foreign military member who is working in Canada.If your spouse has an open work permit (e.g. post-graduation work permit), you must attach a copy of your spouse’s work permit to your application for an open work permit, along with:a letter from your spouse’s current employer that confirms they work there in a NOC 0, A or B occupation, or a copy of your spouse’s employment offer or contract, anda copy of your spouse’s recent pay slips.Your permit will not be valid longer than your spouse’s work permit.点击展开...

kakalin 说:You're a spouse or family member of someone working or studying temporarily in CanadaYou may be eligible for an open work permit if you’re:a spouse of a skilled worker in an occupation under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0, A or B approved to work in Canada six months or longer,a spouse of a foreign student at a public post-secondary school, such as a college or university or collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Quebec,a family member of a foreign representative, ora family member of a foreign military member who is working in Canada.If your spouse has an open work permit (e.g. post-graduation work permit), you must attach a copy of your spouse’s work permit to your application for an open work permit, along with:a letter from your spouse’s current employer that confirms they work there in a NOC 0, A or B occupation, or a copy of your spouse’s employment offer or contract, anda copy of your spouse’s recent pay slips.Your permit will not be valid longer than your spouse’s work permit.点击展开...谢谢楼主!看完这段。意思就是只有等我老公在加拿大工作了以后才可以办理我的签证是这个意思吗?在他没有去加拿大工作之前我是暂时吧可以申请签证?

vivianbj 说:不是PR不能担保你的移民吧? 你老公在两年后可以申请移民,如果他可以继续拿到工作签。然后他成为PR后才有可能申请你的团聚移民。https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...ship/spouse-partner-children/eligibility.htmlWho can become a sponsorYou can become a sponsor if you are:at least 18 years olda Canadian citizen, a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or a permanent resident living in Canada:If you are a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada when your sponsored relative(s) become(s) a permanent resident.You can’t sponsor someone if you are a permanent resident living outside Canada.able to prove that you are not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability, and;can provide for the basic needs of any person you are sponsoring (and in some limited situations, that you meet the low-income cut-off).点击展开...外劳家属可以申请陪伴,全家都可以过来。

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