加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加籍回国结婚,是否可从加拿大驻华使馆开出单身公证?
本人加籍丧偶,想回国与国内女友结婚。我的问题是:1. 可否于加拿大在北京的驻华使馆开出单身公证?2. 此单身公证国内民政局是否认可?3. 本人丧偶,开此公证,需要准备哪些证明材料给使馆?
pinganpeter 说:本人加籍丧偶,想回国与国内女友结婚。我的问题是:1. 可否于加拿大在北京的驻华使馆开出单身公证?2. 此单身公证国内民政局是否认可?3. 本人丧偶,开此公证,需要准备哪些证明材料给使馆?点击展开...委托北京一公证处办单身公证,说是用于结婚。所有问题都会告诉你
pinganpeter 说:本人加籍丧偶,想回国与国内女友结婚。我的问题是:1. 可否于加拿大在北京的驻华使馆开出单身公证?2. 此单身公证国内民政局是否认可?3. 本人丧偶,开此公证,需要准备哪些证明材料给使馆?点击展开...Marriages that are legally performed in a foreign country are usually valid in Canada, and you do not need to register them in Canada. Marrying a citizen of another country may automatically make you a citizen of that country. This will not affect your Canadian citizenship, but your adopted country may not recognize your Canadian citizenship and may prevent Canadian consular officers from helping you. For more information, contact the nearest Canadian government office abroad or see our Travelling as a dual citizen page.A marriage search letter is issued by the office responsible for registering marriages in the province or territory where you live. This document will confirm whether or not you have registered a marriage there. Some countries may require you to provide an authenticated marriage search letter before you can get married. Follow the steps to get your document authenticated.Marriage overseas - Travel.gc.caGovernment of Canada's official one-stop-shop for comprehensive international travel information.travel.gc.ca
Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:HL1384607, carnegie 和 家园小千 0.02 撒 撒空空 0$(VIP 0) 572020-11-28#4 加拿大驻华使馆开的是单身声明(Declaration),自己写内容,大概就是某年某日结婚,然后在某年某日已离婚,现单身。最后,找国内有翻译资质的公司翻译一下就可以在民政局用了。
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