加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填


在1344 A表格中第一项, 在问担保人是否已婚的下面紧接着有一项: do you have a conjual partner? 这一项是yes 还是 no? 我已婚.第二项, do you wish to have the application for permanent residence of the person you are sponsoring processed at the visa office responsible for this country?YesNo ->The application will be processed at the visa office responsible for the country of which the person you are sponsoring is a national没大明白这段话的意思, 是应该yes 还是 no? 如果我想要香港递件的话, 需要选择哪个呢?非常感谢

回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填在1344 A表格中第一项, 在问担保人是否已婚的下面紧接着有一项: do you have a conjual partner? 这一项是yes 还是 no? 我已婚.第二项, do you wish to have the application for permanent residence of the person you are sponsoring processed at the visa office responsible for this country?YesNo ->The application will be processed at the visa office responsible for the country of which the person you are sponsoring is a national没大明白这段话的意思, 是应该yes 还是 no? 如果我想要香港递件的话, 需要选择哪个呢?非常感谢点击展开...1. A.8.b:已婚的就肯定不是conjual partner,选“No”。(“conjual partner”是加拿大的“普通法伴侣”,不结婚的那种合法同居关系,中国没这个。)2. C.6.b和C.6.c,很绕人,但一般人不存在这些情况,空着不填没事。

经验:如何在同时回复多人时使用“引用”功能 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=217477常用好软件收集(只讨论免费和正版的)1. A.8.b:已婚的就肯定不是conjual partner,选“No”。(“conjual partner”是加拿大的“普通法伴侣”,不结婚的那种合法同居关系,中国没这个。) 2. C.6.b和C.6.c,很绕人,但一般人不存在这些情况,空着不填没事。点击展开... 明白了,多谢

回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填Shadow:你应该看这边的表格。好像父母团聚表格不包括 1344Applying as a Member of the Family Class:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/menu-outside.asp

麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 palmerModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,8542008-03-20#5 回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填一下子 好像没法完全弄明白。也许担保人的表格 和 配偶团聚是一样的。 所以 1344 表格也需要吧

麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 shadow洛基山Sniper 0$(VIP 0) 4,6592008-03-21#6 回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填真奇怪, 我应该选哪个? 是family class吗?

回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填问问题最好能提供上下文的联系。 在你的第二项有问你父母的居住地址,所以你如果选yes,就是你要在你父母的居住地的国家为你父母申请移民。如果你选N,那么是按照你父母的国籍来受理。 在1344 A表格中 第二项, do you wish to have the application for permanent residence of the person you are sponsoring processed at the visa office responsible for this country?YesNo ->The application will be processed at the visa office responsible for the country of which the person you are sponsoring is a national没大明白这段话的意思, 是应该yes 还是 no? 如果我想要香港递件的话, 需要选择哪个呢? 非常感谢点击展开...

http://www.canadameet.com真奇怪, 我应该选哪个? 是family class吗?点击展开...目前的确缺乏父母团聚移民的一些指导文章。我看了下CIC网站,团聚父母应该先走担保这一步,相关材料见:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/family.asp其中当然包括1344。手册5196是必读的。等这关过了,才走下一步,相关材料见:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/famcls.asp手册是3998,然后根据审理机构看3155(北京)或3019(香港)。

经验:如何在同时回复多人时使用“引用”功能 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=217477常用好软件收集(只讨论免费和正版的) 超赞 赏 反馈:palmer 和 new_mic palmerModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,8542008-03-22#9 回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填感谢 冰之守护者, 辛苦了CIC的网站实在有些乱,这个链结的步骤 是这样的:从主页:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp点击:Find an Application Form or Guide:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/index.asp 然后有两个选项比较符合: Immigration Applications for Persons in CanadaFor all applications to be made by persons in Canada, including sponsorships of persons residing outside of Canada for admission to Canada.Immigration Applications for Persons outside CanadaFor all applications by persons outside Canada seeking admission to Canada for any reason.

麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 palmerModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,8542008-03-22#10 回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填然后是第一个链结:Sponsorship Applications * Spouse, Common-Law or Conjugal Partner and Dependent Children * Financial Evaluation for Sponsorship * Parents, Grandparents, Adopted Children and Other Relatives * Refugee — Community Sponsors * Refugee — Group of 5 * Refugee — Joint Assistance Sponsorship * Refugee — Sponsorship Agreement Holders and Constituent Groups * Request for a Refugee Profile点击 我标记为黑体的部分 进入页面Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Classhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/family.asp就是你说的 第一步:This application is for Canadian citizens and permanent residents living in Canada who wish to sponsor close family members living abroad, including: * parents * grandparents * children adopted outside of Canada or intended to be adopted in Canada * brothers or sisters, nephews or nieces, grandsons or granddaughters who are orphaned, under 18 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner * any other family member if there is no spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, niece or nephew who is a Canadian citizen, registered Indian or permanent resident or whom you may sponsor.Sponsors living in the province of Quebec who wish to obtain further information on the province’s sponsorship requirements should contact the Ministère des Relations avec les citoyens et de l’Immigration.Mail the application to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.Acrobat PDF format This application includes the following items: * Guide [IMM 5196] >>> also in HTML format * Application to Sponsor and Undertaking [IMM 1344A] * Financial Evaluation [IMM 1283] * Sponsorship Agreement [IMM 1344B] * Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union [IMM 5409] * Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] * Document Checklist — Sponsor [IMM 5287] * Fees Receipt You have two options to obtain a fees receipt: 1. Payment of fees on the Internet If you have Adobe® Acrobat Reader software, a printer, and a Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card, you can pay your fees online. 2. Payment of fees at a financial institution in Canada If you cannot or do not wish to pay online, you must obtain an original receipt form IMM 5401 in order to pay at a financial institution. Because of this form’s special features, it cannot be downloaded and printed from the website. You may, however, order it and it will be mailed to you.If you cannot view and print this application from this website we can mail it to you. Place an order for an application if you need it mailed. Be certain that you need this application before placing an order. The delivery of this application may take several weeks. The Fees Receipt will be included and does not have to be ordered separately.

麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 palmerModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,8542008-03-22#11 回复: 父母团聚表格填写的两个问题不会填Shadow:冰之守护者 说的没错,1344 表格进一步的信息你可以参考 :http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=1353119&postcount=7C.6.b)If you are sponsoring a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, do not complete b) and c); proceed to 7 IMMediately.* 如果移民申请人在中国,bc不用填* 如果你们是申请境内团聚,bc也不用填* 如果移民申请人不住中国,同时申请境外团聚,则问你是打算让负责中国的大使馆审还是打算让居住地所负责的大使馆审?<比如移民申请人住加拿大,境外夫妻团聚就是由buffalo审;如果移民申请人住美国,就是美国各使/领馆审>. 如果你们打算让居住地所负责的大使馆审的话,要注意,移民申请人必须在那个国家居住超过1年才行,否则还是会被打回中国的(6. a)被担保人现在居住的地址:如果被担保人(配偶,或者同居伴侣)是境内团聚(即被担保人已经在加拿大境内),则bc不用填,直接进入第7项。b) 如果上述地址不在被担保人国籍 的国家, 被担保人是否在此国家居住超过1年?NO :你的申请将会在被担保人的国籍的国家审理, 直接进入第7项。YES:回答下面的c)c)你是否希望在你居住的国家所属的签证机构处理你的申请?YesNo:你的申请将会在被担保人的国籍的国家审理从上述文字看:如果被担保人 已经在非国籍国居住超过一年,可以选择在该区审理你的申请;此时也可以选择还是在国籍国(中国)审理你的申请。--Palmer注)

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