加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:我担保老婆的团聚移民的担保期未满,可以担保父母团聚吗?
请问:我担保老婆团聚移民成功刚一年,离担保期3年还有两年,我个人的12个月的收入不满足担保父母团聚的financial ability的要求,但是我和老婆的家庭收入满足了,这会影响我担保父母的家庭团聚申请吗?我从家庭团聚移民指南发现一句话,让我很迷惑:You must prove that you have an annual income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income to support the group of persons consisting of every other person you have sponsored in the past and their family members, where an undertaking is still in effect or not yet in effect; 谢谢!
回复: 请教:我担保老婆的团聚移民的担保期未满,可以担保父母团聚吗?Yes, you can. Sponsoring your wife does not have financial requirement. As long as your family income can meet the finanical bottom line, you can do it. But you need count the people right. E.g. you , your wife, your parents, 4 people in total if no kid.
2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga ->Yes, you can. Sponsoring your wife does not have financial requirement. As long as your family income can meet the finanical bottom line, you can do it. But you need count the people right. E.g. you , your wife, your parents, 4 people in total if no kid.点击展开... 谢谢答复!
回复: 请教:我担保老婆的团聚移民的担保期未满,可以担保父母团聚吗?Yes, you can. Sponsoring your wife does not have financial requirement. As long as your family income can meet the finanical bottom line, you can do it. But you need count the people right. E.g. you , your wife, your parents, 4 people in total if no kid.点击展开... 如果我给父母申请家庭团聚担保了,在他们得到移民签证前,是否还可以申请探亲呢?我担心移民局会认为有移民倾向而拒签。
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