加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问:递交完父母团聚移民申请后担保人可以回国等待吗?
请问:斑竹及各位先辈 递交完父母团聚移民申请后担保人可以回国等待吗?CIC会要求补充以后年度的NOV或税单吗?这样的几率大吗?谢谢知情者帮助!!!
回复: 请问:递交完父母团聚移民申请后担保人可以回国等待吗?我刚学习了,离开加拿大是不行的。以下是我从guide里copy过来的。If I live outside Canada, can I sponsor?If you are not a Canadian citizen, you cannot sponsor if you live outside Canada. If you are a Canadian citizen, you may sponsor a spouse, a common-law or conjugal partner, or a dependent child who has no dependent child of his or her own. If this is your situation, obtain the application package Sponsorship of a spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child living outside Canada. You must live in Canada when the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.如果入籍了,担保父母好象也不能不在加拿大。
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