加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?只要你们收入够,可以同时担保两个家庭,如果你老公情况类似,你们甚至可以同时担保四个家庭,但实际是没有同时的,也就是说没有并列第一,必须有第一,然后在第二的时候要把第一的也算到担保人数里.你继母是你父亲的家属.
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负. 超赞 赏 反馈:amy.ai 哆 哆啦A梦Guest 0$(VIP ) 2011-06-10#3 回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?好复杂,好厉害!
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?只要你们收入够,可以同时担保两个家庭,如果你老公情况类似,你们甚至可以同时担保四个家庭,但实际是没有同时的,也就是说没有并列第一,必须有第一,然后在第二的时候要把第一的也算到担保人数里. 你继母是你父亲的家属.点击展开...谢谢,朋友的回答,帮我排除了我的顾虑,因为我去了2个移民办公室问这个情况,2家办公室的工作人员居然回答我的不一样,一家说一个人不能同时有2个case在移民局担保,就算我交了申请费,移民局也不可能审批我的case,而且申请费也不退还给我。而另一家说只要我和我老公的收入够就可以担保。所以我正在顾虑中,不知道是否应该同时担保2个家庭。谢谢家园的朋友!
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?细胞分裂-----2x2=4,2x4=8......
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?理论上应该是可以的 只是可能优先级会 比较慢吧
奥利佛先生的移民签证工作微博http://www.weibo.com/olivierwu移民咨询交流QQ群 111825197细胞分裂-----2x2=4,2x4=8......点击展开... 最多只有四,你无法再分裂.一个人有且只有一个父母亲,俩口子只有四个老人,加拿大只承认一夫一妻.
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.最多只有四,你无法再分裂.一个人有且只有一个父母亲,俩口子只有四个老人,加拿大只承认一夫一妻.点击展开...原来的意思是四个老人可以带来四个家庭,各自的家庭是可以有更多的independent children的。这不就是2x4=8...........
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?中国人真聪明。
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?这么说,老人再婚有错咯?问问题就答问题,答不了,干嘛要说废话呢?这是人家的私事,需要解释么?
Live every minute with joy and love. 超赞 赏 反馈:amy.ai X xing1 0$(VIP 0) 1,0652011-06-14#12 回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?除了亲生父母外,也可以同时担保养父母的各自家庭。
家有特殊娃的可以上加拿大自闭症家长论坛查询更多干货。https://canadaasd.online这么说,老人再婚有错咯? 问问题就答问题,答不了,干嘛要说废话呢? 这是人家的私事,需要解释么?点击展开...谢谢龙虎宝宝的理解。每个儿女都希望有父母在身边陪伴,不管在哪个国家生活,这事人之常情,只是我父母的情况有一点点的特殊而已。什么叫中国人聪明!!什么叫细胞分裂啊!!没有大家想象的那么复杂吧,这只是一个孩子想和父母一起享受天伦之乐的心情和权力!!!
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?除了亲生父母外,也可以同时担保养父母的各自家庭。点击展开...也谢谢xing1的答复。大家知道可以答复,不知道的请不要发表任何偏激的观点。
回复: 可以同时分开担保已经离婚又再婚的父母的2个家庭吗?可以
xing1 说:除了亲生父母外,也可以同时担保养父母的各自家庭。点击展开...没有那回事,有养父母就没亲生父母的事。一个人在法律上只有一父母,有养父母去享受父母权利和义务后,血缘上的父母就失去了法律上的父母权利和义务。
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.没有那回事,有养父母就没亲生父母的事。一个人在法律上只有一父母,有养父母去享受父母权利和义务后,血缘上的父母就失去了法律上的父母权利和义务。点击展开...刚才查了查,你是对的: http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&source=www.google.ca Can I sponsor my step-parents or adoptive parents to Canada?Our Columnist - Untangling The LawWritten by Reis Pagtakhan http://www.filipinojournal.com/our-...my-step-parents-or-adoptive-parents-to-canadaCanadian citizens and permanent residents are allowed to sponsor their parents for permanent residency to Canada. The question is whether this includes adoptive parents and step-parents?Can I sponsor my adoptive parents?Immigration law allows for the sponsorship of individuals related by blood or adoption. Therefore, a person can sponsor their adoptive parent. If I am adopted, can I sponsor my biological parents?If a person has been adopted by a person or persons in Canada, they cannot sponsor their biological parents. The reason is that the adoption broke the legal relationship with their biological parents.Can I sponsor my step-parents?Because step-parents are not related to their step-children by blood or adoption, these individuals also cannot be sponsored. If my step-parent adopted me, can I sponsor my step-parent?If a step-parent adopts a child, the step-parent then becomes the child’s adoptive parent. As a result, the step-parent could be sponsored because they are an adoptive parent.Are there any other options for step-parents to immigrate to Canada?Just because step-parents cannot be sponsored, does not mean that they cannot immigrate to Canada. A step-parent may be eligible to immigrate to Canada under an economic stream of immigration as a provincial nominee, skilled worker, or business person. If the step-parent is a refugee, a refugee application can be made. If a step-parent immigrates to Canada under one of these classes of immigration, they must qualify to immigrate like any other person in these classes.If my step-parents are not qualified to immigrate under another class of immigration, are there any other options?If the step-parent is in Canada as a visitor, an application under the in-Canada humanitarian and compassionate class can be made. This is a different application than a family class application. If an in-Canada humanitarian and compassionate case is filed, the fact that a person is a step-parent will not, by itself, mean that the application will be approved. Humanitarian and compassionate applications will require a look at all of the circumstances as to why the step-parent should be granted permanent residency. Amongst other things, factors such as family ties in Canada and abroad, economic ties in Canada and abroad, any risk the step-parent would face on return to the home country, the step-parent’s establishment in Canada, and other issues will all need to be considered.This Article is prepared for general information purposes only and is intended to provide comments for readers and friends of the Filipino Journal. The contents should not be viewed as legal advice or opinion.Reis is a lawyer with the law firm of Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP and practices in the areas of immigration law and corporate & commercial law. His direct line is 957-4640. If you would like to know more about Reis or Aikins you can visit the firm’s web page at www.aikins.com
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