加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?



09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。 超赞 赏 minosa 0$(VIP 0) 1,0492011-11-04#2 回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']November 4, 2011 Government of Canada to Cut Backlog and Wait Times for Family Reunification Phase I of Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 4, 2011) - The Government of Canada is taking immediate action to cut the backlog and wait times for sponsored parents and grandparents, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.Currently, more than 165,000 parents and grandparents who have applied to become permanent residents of Canada are still waiting for a final decision. Each year, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) receives applications for sponsorship of nearly 38,000 parents and grandparents, a number that will only continue to expand if no action is taken."Wait times for Family Class sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents now exceed seven years, and without taking action, those times will continue to grow, and that is unacceptable," said Minister Kenney. "Action must be taken to cut the backlog, reduce the wait times, and ensure that the parents and grandparents program is sustainable over the long run."To deal with the large backlog and lengthy wait times, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is announcing Phase I of the Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification.First - The Government of Canada will increase by over 60 percent the number of sponsored parents and grandparents Canada will admit next year, from nearly 15,500 in 2010 to 25,000 in 2012 - the highest level in nearly two decades. Second - The government is introducing the new "Parent and Grandparent Super Visa," which will be valid for up to 10 years. The multiple-entry visa will allow an applicant to remain in Canada for up to 24 months at a time without the need for renewal of their status. The Parent and Grandparent Super Visa will come into effect on December 1, 2011, and CIC will be able to issue the visas, on average, within eight weeks of the application. This means that instead of waiting for eight years, a parent or a grandparent can come to Canada within eight weeks. Parent and Grandparent Super Visa applicants will be required to obtain private Canadian health-care insurance for their stay in Canada.Third - The government will consult Canadians on how to redesign the parents and grandparents program to ensure that it is sustainable in the future. The redesigned program must avoid future large backlogs and be sensitive to fiscal constraints.Fourth - To prevent the build-up of an unmanageable number of new applications during these consultations and to further reduce the 165,000-strong backlog of parent and grandparent applicants, CIC is putting in place a temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents. The pause comes into effect on November 5, 2011. "The Government of Canada is fully committed to helping families reunite," said Minister Kenney. "We recognize that what parents and grandparents want most is to be able to spend time with their families." "If we do not take real action now, the large and growing backlog in the parents and grandparents program will lead to completely unmanageable wait times. Through this balanced series of measures, we will be able to dramatically reduce the backlog and wait times, while the new Parent and Grandparent Super Visa will allow more family members to pay extended visits to their loved ones," added the Minister. "We anticipate that in about two years, following our consultations, Phase II of our Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification will come into effect, ensuring that future applicants are processed quickly and that the program can operate on an efficient and sustainable basis."For additional information on Phase I of CIC's Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification.A photograph of Minister Kenney will be available later today at www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/photos/high-res/index.asp.Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CitImmCanada. Building a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada strengthens Canada's economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping ensure Canadian safety and security while managing one of the largest and most generous immigration programs in the world.[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']今天发表的news news release[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT]

09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。 超赞 赏 minosa 0$(VIP 0) 1,0492011-11-04#3 回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?The Government of Canada will increase by over 60 percent the number of sponsored parents and grandparents Canada will admit next year, from nearly 15,500 in 2010 to 25,000 in 2012 - the highest level in nearly two decades 真的假的??要是他说话算数就是说马上就到我们了!!!

09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。 超赞 赏 G gracelulu 0$(VIP 0) 1902011-11-04#4 回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?那现在准备好的材料是不是不用递交了,直接申请签证呢,

超赞 赏 泡泡谁谁谁 0$(VIP 0) 1,2742011-11-04#5 回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?不会吧,这么惨,我刚刚开始着手给我爸妈填申请,还没寄出去呐!!

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?康胖子做得一手好生意,变废为宝,把原来的累赘变成了钱包。这么一搞,咱们的老爹老妈们可以大大方方的大批过来了,带来的可都是真金白银,吃喝住用买保险看病买药,全都是拉动加拿大经济,却不会给加拿大带来任何负担,康胖子干的这叫保赚不赔的好买卖,也算对得起东家。唉,啥叫“坑爹”?这才叫不折不扣的“坑爹”呐,谁家有不差钱儿的老爹老妈,肯定爽了。

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?楼上的, 我跟你情况一样, 不过这个应该是好事, 现在递交等7年,迟点递交就应该不用等这么久了, 而且年底就可以申请super visa了, 反而更快

超赞 楼上的, 我跟你情况一样, 不过这个应该是好事, 现在递交等7年,迟点递交就应该不用等这么久了, 而且年底就可以申请super visa了, 反而更快点击展开... CIC is putting in place a temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents. The pause comes into effect on November 5, 2011. 迟点交就要等2年以后,不过应该比现在快多了,也是好事!

09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。CIC is putting in place a temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents. The pause comes into effect on November 5, 2011. 迟点交就要等2年以后,不过应该比现在快多了,也是好事!点击展开...对的, 我也是这么想的, 现在就等他出super visa 的申请条件,估计没那么容易

超赞 CIC is putting in place a temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents. The pause comes into effect on November 5, 2011. 迟点交就要等2年以后,不过应该比现在快多了,也是好事!点击展开...两年后交申请,比今年交的申请的早拿到移民纸?我觉得是不可能的。

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?不会吧,这么惨,我刚刚开始着手给我爸妈填申请,还没寄出去呐!!点击展开...好像是以寄出申请的邮戳为准,今天邮局下班的时间应该是最后期限,抓紧时间寄出去,哪怕日后补材料也成,就算不成顶多也就浪费一套表格。我绝不相信两年以后寄,要比现在这末班车的还要早到站,那不符合逻辑。

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?好像是以寄出申请的邮戳为准,今天邮局下班的时间应该是最后期限,抓紧时间寄出去,哪怕日后补材料也成,就算不成顶多也就浪费一套表格。我绝不相信两年以后寄,要比现在这末班车的还要早到站,那不符合逻辑。点击展开...那也要交申请费用1100啊

超赞 赏 旋转的天使 0$(VIP 0) 8182011-11-04#13 回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification Minister Jason Kenney announced an action plan for faster family reunification today.Increase the number of parents and grandparents accepted as permanent residents, from nearly 15,500 admissions in 2010 to 25,000 in 2012.Provide 10 year multi-entry super visas for parents and grandparents.The government will consult Canadians on how to redesign the parents and grandparents program to ensure that it is sustainable in the future. The redesigned program must avoid future large backlogs and be sensitive to fiscal constraints.A temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents.Read it on CIC website: Phase I of Action Plan for Faster Family Reunificationhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2011/2011-11-04.asp

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 E ELLA158 0$(VIP 0) 6262011-11-04#14 回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?请问是不是连亲子团聚也不接收了啊?本人正在等option c pringout ,要下周一才能寄到,我是不是赶不上寄申请的最后时限了啊?愁死了。

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?这个申请是指担保,还是寄到北京的申请阿?

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?两年后交申请,比今年交的申请的早拿到移民纸?我觉得是不可能的。点击展开...现在停办主要使积压的太多了集中两年处理积压案件,但是不至于两年就处理完所有2011年11月5日前的案件吧,只是不想越积越多,谁也不敢说两年停办没处理完然后再来两年反正有十年往返在顶着! 同意你的说法、我也觉得两年后交申请加快速度是不可能的

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?这个申请是指担保,还是寄到北京的申请阿?点击展开...应该是从递交“担保人申请”开算。逻辑上来说这是一个申请中的两步,第一步开始了,就算整个申请开始了。从细节上说,申请担保人资格的时候,担保谁就已经确认了,第一步和第二步根本就是紧密衔接不可变的。看CIC网站的表格应该能分析出来。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm-fc.asp

回复: 今天移民部长新政策不再接受父母家庭了,是不是以前交上去的能快点办完呀?请问是不是连亲子团聚也不接收了啊?本人正在等option c pringout ,要下周一才能寄到,我是不是赶不上寄申请的最后时限了啊?愁死了。点击展开...不是,是父母团聚。不是一回事。


[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]应该是从递交“担保人申请”开算。逻辑上来说这是一个申请中的两步,第一步开始了,就算整个申请开始了。从细节上说,申请担保人资格的时候,担保谁就已经确认了,第一步和第二步根本就是紧密衔接不可变的。看CIC网站的表格应该能分析出来。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm-fc.asp点击展开...A temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents will greatly support backlog reduction.仔细读,sponsorship applications,就是第一步。

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