加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下



回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下我也没有任何消息,找了议员和体检医生,他们都联系了CIC,他们也在等消息。烦。

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下我是7月15日发的email,申请的用探亲体检代替移民体检,没有任何消息,急啊。

2009-09-26父母团聚移民2012-04-23 Ottawa签收补料信2012-05-31收到DM信,转Ottawa 2012-07-13 ME 09-26 MER2012-11-06 邮寄护照北京 11-08 Online DM 2012-12-19 收到大信封 12-29 登陆 超赞 赏 L lilly7 0$(VIP 0) 742012-08-27#4 回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下我也在1个多月前发信没有任何回复!不过看过来人是可以用探亲代替的

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下我现在已经约了9月8号的体检,如果在9月8号之前还没有任何消息,就去乖乖的去体检啦

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下我也是一样的,我父母亲是8月1日收到体检通知,我们写好几封信去咨询可否用探亲代替,可是都没回复,昨天他们只好再去体检了

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下我也是一样的,我父母亲是8月1日收到体检通知,我们写好几封信去咨询可否用探亲代替,可是都没回复,昨天他们只好再去体检了点击展开...行还是不行,为什么移民部就不能给个答复呢?

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下I received email from both the doctor and MP say that CIC informed them this morning that the previous medical my parents done for the TRV is being used for their permanent residency application, no further medicals required. I fight very hard on this. Good luck for you guys.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下Following is the time line for my situation: July 23: Received request for medicals emailJuly 23: Contacted doctor, and doctor confirmed that I do not need another medicalsJuly 23: Wrote the first email to Case Processing Pilot (CPP) - OttawaJuly 29: Send another email to CPP - OttawaJuly 30: Doctor send a fedex parcel to Health Branch in Ottawa, including a letter, our previous medical exam forms and results, and the new formsAugust 13: Contact MP officeAugust 21: Doctor send a follow-up email to Health Branch in OttawaAugust 30: Received response from both doctor and MP say that the previous medical my parents done for the TRV is being used for their permanent residency application, no further medicals required.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下If my online status changed to MER, I will also let you guys know.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下If my online status changed to MER, I will also let you guys know.点击展开... Congratulation Denis! It is really a good news! Would you please advise how you contacted your MP? Do you have to go his/her office or you can send him/her e-mails? Thank you in advance!

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下I went to their office and talked to a staff. The staff wrote down all information they need. I think you can also write an email and then shoot a phone call.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下Honestly I think doctor is more helpful than MP. I just guess.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/op/op15-eng.pdf Page 27, Section 16 Procedure: Temporary Resident and Permanent Resident Results Medical assessments for temporary residents and permanent residents may not be used interchangeably. An applicant who is medically inadmissible as a permanent resident may be admissible as a temporary resident. The reverse may also be true, if the temporary resident's medical condition improves between applications. Officers must request a review of the medical examination by CIC medical staff before issuing a visa to an individual who was medically examined under a different category. If an applicant changes categories and has undergone a medical examination under another category, officers should do the following: - If the first examination was less than a year earlier, a medical officer may review the existing results for the new category; - If the medical examination took place more than a year earlier, the officer will issue instructions for a new examination; - An officer may ask a medical officer to review the examination of temporary residents with valid medical results who apply as permanent residents. Applicants are responsible for informing a visa office if they applied previously in a different category. This includes applications in Canada for extensions of status. Applicants must state where they applied and provide their file number. Officers should double-check that a medical assessment has been done using the correct temporary resident or permanent resident category.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/op/op15-eng.pdf Page 27, Section 16 Procedure: Temporary Resident and Permanent Resident Results Medical assessments for temporary residents and permanent residents may not be used interchangeably. An applicant who is medically inadmissible as a permanent resident may be admissible as a temporary resident. The reverse may also be true, if the temporary resident's medical condition improves between applications. Officers must request a review of the medical examination by CIC medical staff before issuing a visa to an individual who was medically examined under a different category. If an applicant changes categories and has undergone a medical examination under another category, officers should do the following: - If the first examination was less than a year earlier, a medical officer may review the existing results for the new category; - If the medical examination took place more than a year earlier, the officer will issue instructions for a new examination; - An officer may ask a medical officer to review the examination of temporary residents with valid medical results who apply as permanent residents. Applicants are responsible for informing a visa office if they applied previously in a different category. This includes applications in Canada for extensions of status. Applicants must state where they applied and provide their file number. Officers should double-check that a medical assessment has been done using the correct temporary resident or permanent resident category. 点击展开... Hi Denis, Thanks for your info! I did send a e-mail to my MP, he insisted that I should call his office and make an appontment to see his staff. I guess the procedure is the same as you stated in your last reply . Hopefully I will get my response from CIC soon!

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下Hi Denis, Thanks for your info! I did send a e-mail to my MP, he insisted that I should call his office and make an appontment to see his staff. I guess the procedure is the same as you stated in your last reply . Hopefully I will get my response from CIC soon!点击展开... Good luck, Danny. Will you postpond your medicals appointment or you will keep it. For my case I walked in to the MP office, and they are understandable and did not ask for appointment. I talked to one staff face-to-face initially, and after that I used email to contact them. I prefer email because it is recordable (I can use it as evidence later). I add you in MSN, did you see me?

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下Hi Denis, Thanks for your info! I did send a e-mail to my MP, he insisted that I should call his office and make an appontment to see his staff. I guess the procedure is the same as you stated in your last reply . Hopefully I will get my response from CIC soon!点击展开... I also suggest you to contact the doctor who did the medicals previously for your parents. Ask them to write an email. I found email is faster than post express letter. Your doctor has the email address never been published.

回复: 申请要求用续签体检代替移民体检的同学进来交流一下Hi Denis, Thanks for your info! I did send a e-mail to my MP, he insisted that I should call his office and make an appontment to see his staff. I guess the procedure is the same as you stated in your last reply . Hopefully I will get my response from CIC soon!点击展开...I have the same problem with you gus,I am wondering could we go to see MP together or not?Thanks in advance.

2009-09-26父母团聚移民2012-04-23 Ottawa签收补料信2012-05-31收到DM信,转Ottawa 2012-07-13 ME 09-26 MER2012-11-06 邮寄护照北京 11-08 Online DM 2012-12-19 收到大信封 12-29 登陆I also suggest you to contact the doctor who did the medicals previously for your parents. Ask them to write an email. I found email is faster than post express letter. Your doctor has the email address never been published.点击展开...Hi Denis,I added you in QQ, did you see me?

2009-09-26父母团聚移民2012-04-23 Ottawa签收补料信2012-05-31收到DM信,转Ottawa 2012-07-13 ME 09-26 MER2012-11-06 邮寄护照北京 11-08 Online DM 2012-12-19 收到大信封 12-29 登陆Good luck, Danny. Will you postpond your medicals appointment or you will keep it. For my case I walked in to the MP office, and they are understandable and did not ask for appointment. I talked to one staff face-to-face initially, and after that I used email to contact them. I prefer email because it is recordable (I can use it as evidence later). I add you in MSN, did you see me?点击展开...Hi Denis, Thanks for you suggestion! First, I think I should cancel the medical appointment. Second, I called my MPs office and book an appointment on Sep.04,2012. BTW, I did see you on MSN. Thanks again for your sharing your info and have a nice long weekend!,

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