加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省申请父母团聚需要填表申请Québec Selection Certificate吗?
在魁北克官网看到申请团聚流程,但最后第三点是Québec Selection Certificate,申请父母团聚要先填此表吗?搞不清楚为啥要填。谢谢!以下为原文3 important stepsHere are three important steps to follow to sponsor a close relative and information to understand this process. The person you are sponsoring must also complete certain procedures.Submit a sponsorship application to the Government of CanadaSubmit an undertaking application to the Government of QuébecAsk the person you are sponsoring to complete certain procedures, namely, applying for a Québec Selection Certificate and permanent residence.http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/forms/search-title/dcs-family.html
那个是 CSQ,魁省发的证书,证明魁省同意你移民,而这个要在联邦担保资格通过以后才向魁省移民局申请的,拿到CSQ 以后,要提供给联邦,最后联邦才会发移民签证和登陆纸
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