加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民如果申请人 已经丧偶是不是只要配偶死亡公证不用结婚公证?
8) Identity and Civil Status DocumentsYou must provide the following documents for you and your current and/or former spouse/common-law partner:• Marriage certificate(s), final divorce or annulment certificate(s). If married more than once, include certificates from each marriage and divorce or annulment you, your spouse or common-law partner have had;• Death certificate for former spouse(s) or common-law partner(s) (if applicable);• Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable);• National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable)• If you have a common-law partner, complete and include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM 5409 – original) and provide evidence that you have cohabitated with your partner for a period of at least 12 continuous months. Evidence may be, but not limited to, the following examples listing both your names:Ø copies of joint bank account statements,Ø copies of leases, utility bills etc.Copies, unless otherwise stated身份和婚姻状况的文件您必须提供以下证件,为您和您的电流和/或前配偶/同居伴侣:•结婚证(S),最终离婚或废止证书(S)。如果结婚多过一次,包括每个结婚和离婚或废止你,你的配偶或同居伴侣有过证明;•为前配偶(S)或普通法伴侣(S)(如适用)死亡证明书;•法律文件显示姓名或出生日期的更改(如适用);•居民身份证,家庭/户籍/书(如适用)•如果你有一个同居伴侣,完整,包括普通法联盟(IMM5409 - 原创)的法定声明,并提供您所cohabitated你的时间至少持续12个月的合作伙伴证据。证据可以是,但不限于,以下实施例中,列出两个你的名字:联合银行帐户报表副本,租赁副本,水电费等。份,除非另有说明
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