加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省父母团聚, 申请太阳医疗卡还要亲自自己去CLSC,是吗?
有哪位朋友已经给父母申请了的, 请分享一下好吗?
liu_sophie 说:不是去CLSC,是去这里:http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/citizens/health-insurance/health-insurance-card/Pages/description.aspx要照相和签字所以本人得去。点击展开...sophie, 非常感谢回复! 打过去电话, RAMQ说需要在电话上开个File,然后会给寄个申请表,因为妈妈65岁以上,还要亲自去附近的CLSC,请问:是还要去体检吗?谢谢!
amyhuima 说:sophie, 非常感谢回复! 打过去电话, RAMQ说需要在电话上开个File,然后会给寄个申请表,因为妈妈65岁以上,还要亲自去附近的CLSC,请问:是还要去体检吗?谢谢!点击展开...应该不会体检,觉得就是要核实一下照片和本人是一个人,还有那些要求的文件?
liu_sophie 说:应该不会体检,觉得就是要核实一下照片和本人是一个人,还有那些要求的文件?点击展开...dear sophie, 非常感谢回复!:)
amyhuima 说:dear sophie, 非常感谢回复!:)点击展开...分享一下最新信息: RAMQ 要求CSQ 和一封联邦寄给父母名下的信,就可以申请太阳卡了, 不需要等到登陆。不知道到什么阶段才能有联邦寄给父母名下的信, 到需要体检的时候吗?
montrealvivi2005 说:我们收到联邦让寄护照的信了,也有csq,但是打电话给RAMQ他们说让寄visa的邮件不可以。必须是正式通知永久居民申请通过及结束的。点击展开...有些工作人员确实不知道,可以把这篇文章传真过去或者读给他们, 他们可以转给主管级人员帮你!guide for sponsored persons http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/publications/en/sponsorship/guide-sponsored-persons.pdfpage 7 & 8You are already in QuébecIf your application for permanent residence is processed within Canada, you can benefitfrom certain government services even before obtaining permanent resident status.Consult the Learning about Québec guide for directions on ho w to:• enroll in French courses given by partners of the MIDI;• obtain a Québec health insurance card from the Régie de l’assurance maladie duQuébec (RAMQ).The Québec Health Insurance PlanAccess to the Québec Health Insurance Plan is governed by rules that, with someexceptions, provide for a three-month waiting period following registration before a personcan benefit from coverage under the plan. Consequently, if you are accepted, werecommend that you register with the plan in your first days after arriving in Québec bycontacting the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec. However, if your application forpermanent residence is processed in Canada, it is to your advantage that you register assoon as you receive your selection certificate and the letter from Citizenship andImmigration Canada confirming that your application for permanent residence is beingprocessed within Canada.
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