加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2015年父母团聚己更新部分表格, 但好像收入要求有错误
CIC太黑了。故意把2013年的收入提高了。金额早就定好了,怎么随便改呢。 这还有法吗?http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.asp#completeApplicationFederal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents SponsorshipSize of Family Unit Minimum Income-----------------2013--------2012------20112 persons $38,272 $36,637 $35,9763 persons $47,051 $45,040 $44,2294 persons $57,125 $54,685 $53,6995 persons $64,791 $62,023 $60,9056 persons $73,072 $69,950 $68,6897 persons $81,355 $77,879 $76,475不明白为什么2013年 6人家庭 收入要求是 73072。本来应是 55378 (1+30%) = 71,992MNI = LICO * (1+30%)Size of Family LICO LICO LICO LICO LICO---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $29,440 $29,004 $28,182 $27,674 $27,6013 p $36,193 $35,657 $34,646 $34,022 $33,9334 p $43,942 $43,292 $42,065 $41,307 $41,1985 p $49,839 $49,102 $47,710 $46,850 $46,7276 p $56,209 $55,378 $53,808 $52,838 $52,6997 p $62,581 $61,656 $59,907 $58,827 $58,673Family Size LICO +30% +30% +30% +30%---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $38,272 $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $47,051 $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $57,125 $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $64,791 $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $73,072 $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $81,355 $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,2752013 year, 备案已经明确提了2013 6口人应该是: $71,992.refer to the government document: “SOR/2013-246 December 13, 2013, IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT, Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations” at :http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.php Footnote 11Current LICO thresholds for a family of six are $55,378: $55,378 plus 30% equals $71,992.每年的 super visa 的guide 里都写了当年的 LICO,effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 201*cic以为没人关注 往年的LICO, 就故意黑大家。直接把 2014的 安到2013年,这样incomne要求就神不知鬼不觉的涨了真黑啊。
flyingking 说:看起来是有些问题啊。请问在哪里找到的LICO的数据?点击展开... 每年的 super visa 的guide 里都写了当年的 LICO,effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 201*
flyingking 说:看起来是有些问题啊。请问在哪里找到的LICO的数据?点击展开...cic以为没人关注 往年的LICO, 就故意黑大家。直接把 2014的 安到2013年,这样incomne要求就涨了
Lucy7777 说:cic以为没人关注 往年的LICO, 就故意黑大家。直接把 2014的 安到2013年,这样incomne要求就涨了点击展开...根据以往和移民部打交道的情况来看,是不是故意不能肯定。但至少看起来是工作人员不严谨,然后没人审核或者审核得很马虎。就拿出来公布了。如果正好因为这个1000元左右的差额影响某些申请的批准,建议去找当地的国会议员反映。以前听说过一些议员帮助移民的案例,希望可以有改善
已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”根据以往和移民部打交道的情况来看,是不是故意不能肯定。但至少看起来是工作人员不严谨,然后没人审核或者审核得很马虎。就拿出来公布了。如果正好因为这个1000元左右的差额影响某些申请的批准,建议去找当地的国会议员反映。以前听说过一些议员帮助移民的案例,希望可以有改善点击展开...
Lucy7777 说:已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”点击展开...好样的! Lucy!思维缜密,有想法有行动力!
Lucy7777 说:已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”点击展开...你住在魁北克?Justin Trudeau的选区?
实践证明,Justin们很亲民。 这次的问题解决的就很好。email 1: to Justin TrudeauDear Sir:CIC has just updated Federal Income Table for sponsors of parents and grandparents.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspGood news is that PGP is still open in 2015.However, obviously, there is a mistake in the updated "Federal Income Table for sponsors of parents and grandparents".How come the minimum income (MNI) 2013 for 6 persons is $73,072 ???This MNI 2013 for 6 persons has been previously reported in government document, saying that :"For example, under this regulatory amendment, a sponsor with a spouse and two children who wishes to sponsor two parents will be required to meet the new income threshold (MNI plus 30%) for six people (e.g. $71,992). (see footnote 11)" refer to Footnote 11 in government document, retrieved from:http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.phpThe Minimum Necessary Income requirement, which you must meet for each of the three years preceding the date of your application, is equal to the Low Income Cut-Offs (LICO) plus 30%.The 2013 MNI for a family of six is $55,378, so 55378 + 55378*30% = 71992!!, instead of $73,072!!The wrong MNI table in CIC.gc.ca looks like:http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.phpMNI = LICO * (1+30%)Family Size LICO +30% +30% +30%---------2013------2012-----20112 p $38,272 $36,637 $35,9763 p $47,051 $45,040 $44,2294 p $57,125 $54,685 $53,6995 p $64,791 $62,023 $60,9056 p $73,072 $69,950 $68,6897 p $81,355 $77,879 $76,475The previously reported LICO table is:Size of Family LICO LICO LICO LICO LICO--------2014---2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $29,440 $29,004 $28,182 $27,674 $27,6013 p $36,193 $35,657 $34,646 $34,022 $33,9334 p $43,942 $43,292 $42,065 $41,307 $41,1985 p $49,839 $49,102 $47,710 $46,850 $46,7276 p $56,209 $55,378 $53,808 $52,838 $52,6997 p $62,581 $61,656 $59,907 $58,827 $58,673MNI = LICO * (1+30%), so the correct table should look like:Family Size LICO+30% +30% +30% +30%--------2014---2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $38,272 $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $47,051 $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $57,125 $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $64,791 $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $73,072 $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $81,355 $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275How could the MNI be changed so randomly ?These measures have been legistimated, how could someone change the rules without any formal legal procedures? Where is justice?Is it done on purpose or just a mistake? -- Using the higher standard of 2014 for 2013, and thus less people would be able to meet income standard for sponsorship?People contacted CIC, but CIC agents do not care, and refused to look into this issue.Anything we can do to tell officers about this obvious "mistake"? ?Please see enclosed for detailed information about MNI and LICO requirements.Thank you.emial2 (reply):justin.trudeauNov 21 (4 days ago)to me Good Afternoon,I just wanted to thank you for contacting the office of Justin Trudeau, and let you know that I have forwarded your letter to both Justin and our policy people directly.Sincerely,K. DixonSpecial Assistant, Operations and Outreach /Adjoint spécial, Opérations et rayonnementOFFICE OF THE LEADER OF THE LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA /BUREAU DU CHEF DU PARTI LIBÉRAL DU CANADA533-S Centre Block / Édifice du centreOttawa, ON K1A 0A6email 3:to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275
不错不错。Lucy我只是想知道你是不是Justin Trudeau的选区的选民?我不在魁北克,不知道是可以直接联系他还是需要联系自己选区的议员?
Justin 是 liberal的leader。我想 只要是涉及到政策问题,法规问题,而且你的理由很充分, 他们还是会管的吧。 尤其是涉及到 针对保守党的错误政策的时候。如果只是私人事件,进程查询,可以联系当地PM。不错不错。Lucy我只是想知道你是不是Justin Trudeau的选区的选民?我不在魁北克,不知道是可以直接联系他还是需要联系自己选区的议员?点击展开...
Lucy7777 说:Justin 是 liberal的leader。我想 只要是涉及到政策问题,法规问题,而且你的理由很充分, 他们还是会管的吧。 尤其是涉及到 针对保守党的错误政策的时候。如果只是私人事件,进程查询,可以联系当地PM。点击展开...好的。 谢谢你!
ShineMe~ 超赞 赏 晴晴★☆ 0$(VIP 0) 1172014-11-27#15 看来CIC的损招不少啊,明年会不会出个政策变动,要求提高40%啊!!
我有个问题,请楼上大侠们看看:比如我今年刚添了一个宝宝,家里一共4口人,加上父母是6人。这样family size 之前的2011-2013 是按照6人算还是按照5人算?多谢!!加声望了。
sussanpan 说:我有个问题,请楼上大侠们看看:比如我今年刚添了一个宝宝,家里一共4口人,加上父母是6人。这样family size 之前的2011-2013 是按照6人算还是按照5人算?多谢!!加声望了。点击展开...照理2011-2013 应该是5口人。孩子出生那一年以后 按照6口人算。但是这就是cic 的灰色地带,没有明确规定的地方。这样他们有自由度。可以根据当时审批情况来决定到底是用 严格标准全部6人算, 还是5人 6人年份分开算。黑着呢。
各位大侠, 不是说父母移民申请只需过往三年的收入要求吗?怎么列出四年的收入要求呢?
fengzhao 说:各位大侠, 不是说父母移民申请只需过往三年的收入要求吗?怎么列出四年的收入要求呢?点击展开...新政策规定要求是三年的NOA,在2015年1月2号没办法拿到2014年的NOA,所以只能提供2011,2012,2013的NOA,所以变相要求四年。
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