加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家为啥要做加拿大的无犯罪记录公证,什么手印之类的,根本


没有这个要求啊!只要求在中国的无犯罪公证,哪里要加拿大的了谁copy/paste一下你们收到的CIC 邮件有要求加拿大无犯罪的。。


uoftoronto 说:没有这个要求啊!只要求在中国的无犯罪公证,哪里要加拿大的了谁copy/paste一下你们收到的CIC 邮件有要求加拿大无犯罪的。。点击展开...我的信里也指明要中国的无犯罪公正,所以我就做了中国的,其他我就不管了,我有好几个已经批了的朋友都没做加拿大的无犯罪

2011年6月递表担保父母团聚 超赞 赏 L lingling788 0$(VIP 0) 662016-06-27#5 居住过也不用,收到邮件只要求中国的,别再去翻cic其他地方的说明了,人家要什么就给什么

lingling788 说:居住过也不用,收到邮件只要求中国的,别再去翻cic其他地方的说明了,人家要什么就给什么点击展开...正解!

uoftoronto 说:正解!点击展开...我妈妈已经探亲两次,每次都逗留了一年多,我也没给她办加国的,人家信上要什么就给什么,别画蛇添足。我两个朋友的父母来加探亲半年多了,也批了,人家都没做加国的无犯罪。

2011年6月递表担保父母团聚 超赞 赏 S steffi82 0$(VIP 0) 122016-06-28#8 我妈妈收到的信里是说each country居住满六个月或以上要交无犯罪。可是论坛里好多人都说不用做加国的,好纠结啊。


我的信好简单,转ottawa,China是加粗的,估计每个人收到的都不一样:Dear *****,This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:Ø ***************:Police Certificate: Please provide us with an original police clearance certificate from China. This must be received at this office by: 2016/07/28For more information on how to obtain a police certificate please refer to the following link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp You must send us the requested information by email within 45 days from the date of this letter.Please reply directly to this email and put your application number in the title.Please note:· Any documents submitted which are not in English or French must be accompanied by a notarized translation in either English or French.· Do not submit originals, unless otherwise stated, as documents submitted will not be returned.· Please note that we can only accept unzipped PDF, JPG or .doc files that are attached to an email, totaling less than 5 MB.Regards, DB13822DImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté CanadaGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canadawww.cic.gc.ca

香港cic要求的是each countryUpdated Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 consecutive months or more since the age of 18.


lingling788 说:我的信好简单,转ottawa,China是加粗的,估计每个人收到的都不一样:Dear *****,This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:Ø ***************:Police Certificate: Please provide us with an original police clearance certificate from China. This must be received at this office by: 2016/07/28For more information on how to obtain a police certificate please refer to the following link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp You must send us the requested information by email within 45 days from the date of this letter.Please reply directly to this email and put your application number in the title.Please note:· Any documents submitted which are not in English or French must be accompanied by a notarized translation in either English or French.· Do not submit originals, unless otherwise stated, as documents submitted will not be returned.· Please note that we can only accept unzipped PDF, JPG or .doc files that are attached to an email, totaling less than 5 MB.Regards, DB13822DImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté CanadaGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canadawww.cic.gc.ca点击展开...和我的一样。只需要Email给大使馆就行了吧?

2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 超赞 赏 L lingling788 0$(VIP 0) 662016-06-30#14 是啊,我就发了email而已

annie66 说:香港cic要求的是each countryUpdated Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 consecutive months or more since the age of 18.点击展开...为什么同属CIC管辖,下面的各个办公室要求确不一样?我也是转香港的,我妈超级签证在加拿大住了2年,补料只办了中国的无犯罪记录。等着转香港已经DM了的朋友来update到底需不需要。

lingling788 说:我的信好简单,转ottawa,China是加粗的,估计每个人收到的都不一样:Dear *****,This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:Ø ***************:Police Certificate: Please provide us with an original police clearance certificate from China. This must be received at this office by: 2016/07/28For more information on how to obtain a police certificate please refer to the following link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp You must send us the requested information by email within 45 days from the date of this letter.Please reply directly to this email and put your application number in the title.Ple· Any documents submitted which are not in English or French must be accompanied by a notarized translation in either English or French.· Do not submit originals, unless otherwise stated, as documents submitted will not be returned.· Please note that we can only accept unzipped PDF, JPG or .doc files that are attached to an email, totaling less than 5 MB.Regards, DB13822DImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté CanadaGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canadawww.cic.gc.ca点击展开...请问lingling788前辈, 前天7月8日我也收到类似的邮件,可否帮我解答以下问题?谢谢!1. 我让我妈去公安局做个“没有犯罪证明”,然后再公证。公证后再scan一下发给我。这个程序对吗?2. 我就把scan件发给email address:[email protected]。这个email address就是CIC 发Requess Letter给我要求做“无犯罪公证”的邮箱地址。请问这个email address对吗?3. 我想等收到我妈给我“无犯罪公证”的scan件后再回复CIC, 现在不需要给CIC 邮件说我妈已经去申请之类的邮件。我的理解对吗?4. 该封邮件说可以付“Right of Permanent Residence Fee", 请问是现在付?还是等提交完”无犯罪公证“后收到另一封CIC邮件要求付款后才pay?盼复!不胜感激!

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