加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母团聚体检已交,现在又让交教育背景和旅游记录材料
亲们,我父母的体检已经递交完毕,今天早上收到移民局的信件,要求补交两份资料:1. A document containing a brief description of your education, qualifications and experience.2. information on your previous travel history (trip duration and purpose) including citizenship and resident document information.请问大家这两个资料怎么写呢?有什么需要注意的吗?多谢大家!
Enjoying Life 超赞 赏 S super_jessica 0$(VIP 0) 1792017-02-09#2 可以问下楼主是香港还是渥太华的吗? 然后,你的问题我不知道,帮你顶上来
greenhanddu 说:亲们,我父母的体检已经递交完毕,今天早上收到移民局的信件,要求补交两份资料:1. A document containing a brief description of your education, qualifications and experience.2. information on your previous travel history (trip duration and purpose) including citizenship and resident document information.请问大家这两个资料怎么写呢?有什么需要注意的吗?多谢大家!点击展开...楼主是哪一年提交的申请?在HK还是Ottawa受理?
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