加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到补料信,真的只需要主申请人更新信息?
受到香港发来的邮件。细看了几遍后竟然发现,只让主申请人(principal applicant)补交近期照片,IMM5669,IMM5406 和无刑。但是没提让配偶(spouse) 同样提交。我的理解 配偶应该不属于 dependents (家属)吧?多谢有过类似或相同经历的同学们提示更正。
三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2 超赞 赏 W webwizard 0$(VIP 0) 3,4632018-05-27#2 继续等待指正。急急急!!!
三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2 超赞 赏 annie66 0$(VIP 0) 3,0072018-05-27#3 都要补
annie66 说:都要补点击展开...应该是。但是邮件里没提到配偶啊。邮件的具体原文如下:For the principal applicant and all dependents 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:Ø Updated Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669): You must declare your personal history and addresses from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).Ø Updated Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406)Ø Updated Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 months or more since the age of 18.
三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2 超赞 赏 加 加思 0$(VIP 0) 292018-05-28#5 这里dependents指的是副申请,配偶和小孩都需要补。
webwizard 说:应该是。但是邮件里没提到配偶啊。邮件的具体原文如下:For the principal applicant and all dependents 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:Ø Updated Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669): You must declare your personal history and addresses from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).Ø Updated Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406)Ø Updated Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 months or more since the age of 18.点击展开...提到了你担保的主申请的dependent,就是配偶加上子女等
那就主动补吧, 等到你的补料要求来再办,岂不是耽误时间?你补料越全,审理的越快。
尘埃落定往事如风 超赞 赏 W webwizard 0$(VIP 0) 3,4632018-05-29#8 多谢同学们指正。已经按照最全的选择办了。哪怕最后不用。
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