加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到贴签信了


2018年中签 ,同年11月体检,可能因为父亲以前吸烟,后来又通知再做一项肺造影的检查,今年一月份去做了,现刚收到了贴签信,总结一下,总共要交的东西,护照,这个贴签信的复印件,每人两张照片,身高眼睛颜色的说明,因为是邮递的,所以费用则是文件递送费96.1+快递费72.9每人,2 人共338元,还有这个是父母团聚的,他们不用去录指纹,对吗?到最后一步,不希望有任何差错,英文不太好,请有经验的朋友指教下。STEP 3: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTSYou must submit together:1. One copy of this letter.2. Passport(s) OR photocopy(ies) of passport(s), as explained in Step 2.3. Two (2) photos of yourself and of each accompanying family member. Photos MUST meet the precise specifications found in the link below or in Appendix A at the end of this letter. If you submit photos that do not meet the exact specifications, your package will be returned to you. www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf 4. If not yet paid, Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) for you and your accompanying spouse (if applicable). We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and provide a copy of the receipt. To pay your fees online, click here: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do.5. The height and eye colour (for both eyes) for the Principal Applicant and all of his accompanying dependantsA) To submit your package while overseas:i. For citizens of a country required to obtain a visa to Canada:If you reside in the People’s Republic of China, you must submit your package to the Visa Application Centre in Beijing along with the VAC Passport Transmission fee (please note that only the Visa Application Centre in Beijing can be used for Passport Transmission of Permanent Resident applications):Canada Visa Application Centre12F, Tower A, Central Point Plaza,No. 11, Dongzhimen South Ave,Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007加拿大签证申请中心中国北京市东城区东直门南大街11号中汇广场A座12层邮编:100007For Passport Transmission instructions and fee details, please visit: http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/China/english/index.html

我做的菜,我的MV 超赞 赏 S shinez 0$(VIP 0) 9042019-03-26#2 恭喜毕业!你的理解没错。只有4)是说如果你之前没有交Permanent Residence Fee,现在就要交。如果提交申请时交过了,就不用了。

jmgg328 说:2018年中签 ,同年11月体检,可能因为父亲以前吸烟,后来又通知再做一项肺造影的检查,今年一月份去做了,现刚收到了贴签信,总结一下,总共要交的东西,护照,这个贴签信的复印件,每人两张照片,身高眼睛颜色的说明,因为是邮递的,所以费用则是文件递送费96.1+快递费72.9每人,2 人共169元,还有这个是父母团聚的,他们不用去录指纹,对吗?到最后一步,不希望有任何差错,英文不太好,请有经验的朋友指教下。STEP 3: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTSYou must submit together:1. One copy of this letter.2. Passport(s) OR photocopy(ies) of passport(s), as explained in Step 2.3. Two (2) photos of yourself and of each accompanying family member. Photos MUST meet the precise specifications found in the link below or in Appendix A at the end of this letter. If you submit photos that do not meet the exact specifications, your package will be returned to you. www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf 4. If not yet paid, Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) for you and your accompanying spouse (if applicable). We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and provide a copy of the receipt. To pay your fees online, click here: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do.5. The height and eye colour (for both eyes) for the Principal Applicant and all of his accompanying dependantsA) To submit your package while overseas:i. For citizens of a country required to obtain a visa to Canada:If you reside in the People’s Republic of China, you must submit your package to the Visa Application Centre in Beijing along with the VAC Passport Transmission fee (please note that only the Visa Application Centre in Beijing can be used for Passport Transmission of Permanent Resident applications):Canada Visa Application Centre12F, Tower A, Central Point Plaza,No. 11, Dongzhimen South Ave,Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007加拿大签证申请中心中国北京市东城区东直门南大街11号中汇广场A座12层邮编:100007For Passport Transmission instructions and fee details, please visit: http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/China/english/index.html 点击展开...请问您收到的是电子邮件还是纸质信?如果是电子邮件是发给 representative 的邮箱吗? 先提前感谢您的回答,还有恭喜哦

bunnybunny 说:请问您收到的是电子邮件还是纸质信?如果是电子邮件是发给 representative 的邮箱吗? 先提前感谢您的回答,还有恭喜哦点击展开...我们收到的是电子邮件,因为是自己办的,所以直接发到邮箱

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