加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我妈5月19日之前必须登陆。怎么申请延期?
如题。我现在也不能回国接她啊! 我已经入籍(国内是不是现在不接受非中国公民入境?), 我妈70多了,她说她不敢自己一个人来。我想申请延期,各位知道怎么申请吗? 延期是不是需要重新体检?我妈的体检5月19日过期。
chao8794 说:如题。我现在也不能回国接她啊! 我已经入籍(国内是不是现在不接受非中国公民入境?), 我妈70多了,她说她不敢自己一个人来。我想申请延期,各位知道怎么申请吗? 延期是不是需要重新体检?我妈的体检5月19日过期。点击展开...我在网上查到,是无法延期的。加政府虽然禁止非必需的旅客进入加拿大,但并不包括像你母亲有登陆纸的人。如果你母亲收到的批准的书面通知是在3月18日之前签署的,你母亲是可以进入加拿大的。“Extensions to landing dates are almost never granted. It's use it or lose it. ”Restrictions and exemptions for foreign nationals:immediate family members of a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, which refers to a:spouse or common-law partnerdependent child of the person or of the person’s spouse or common-law partnerdependent child of a dependent childparent or step-parent of the person or of the person’s spouse or common-law partnerguardian or tutora person whose application for permanent residence was approved and who received written notice of the approval before 12 pm EDT on March 18, 2020, but who has not yet become a permanent resident。How can I extend my landing date?I know the question in the title is a little strange. My medicals are valid until January 2020, and I got my PPR. Due to my situation, I can't land in Canada by January 2020, so I'm planning on asking for an extension. Should I ask for this after getting my CoPR, or before? Should I contact...www.canadavisa.comCOVID-19: Canada’s response - Canada.caHow the Government of Canada is responding to COVID-19 including: economic and financial support, travel measures, for Canadians abroad, public education, collaboration, research, clinical trials, drug and medical device supply monitoring.www.canada.ca
Life is simple, but not easy.如题。我现在也不能回国接她啊! 我已经入籍(国内是不是现在不接受非中国公民入境?), 我妈70多了,她说她不敢自己一个人来。我想申请延期,各位知道怎么申请吗? 延期是不是需要重新体检?我妈的体检5月19日过期。点击展开...你唯一的办法是要求航空公司提供老人服务。
Life is simple, but not easy.你唯一的办法是要求航空公司提供老人服务。点击展开...谢谢你的回复。我妈不是3月18号批准的,她是刚刚批准的,4月1日。这种情况可以登陆吗
chao8794 说:谢谢你的回复。我妈不是3月18号批准的,她是刚刚批准的,4月1日。这种情况可以登陆吗点击展开...可以入境。如果你决定暂时不来,你需要用webform通知移民局,要求延期登陆,并且等待他们的回复。目前移民局的指引是可能会要求重新体检。
新生活,新起点,新目标,老样子可以入境。如果你决定暂时不来,你需要用webform通知移民局,要求延期登陆,并且等待他们的回复。目前移民局的指引是可能会要求重新体检。点击展开...谢谢! webform 选择是哪个office? 申请延期有成功的吗?
chao8794 说:谢谢你的回复。我妈不是3月18号批准的,她是刚刚批准的,4月1日。这种情况可以登陆吗点击展开...刚刚批准,应该有一年的期限,你母亲没必要延期,可以等到疫情过去了再登陆。有关你母亲体检5月19日过期的问题,你可以让你母亲打电话到加拿大大使馆或是领事馆问问。我不太清楚这方面的情况。我多年前登陆时没有这种情况。你可以在这个网站看看和问问:“Ready for Visa” Received but Medicals ExpiredHi everyone, I have been following these forums for a while and I know you guys are very helpful. However, I couldn’t find an answer to this: I have received today the “Ready for Visa” e-mail but I have noticed that our medicals (my wife’s and mine) are expired. We visited the doctors on...www.canadavisa.com
Life is simple, but not easy.如题。我现在也不能回国接她啊! 我已经入籍(国内是不是现在不接受非中国公民入境?), 我妈70多了,她说她不敢自己一个人来。我想申请延期,各位知道怎么申请吗? 延期是不是需要重新体检?我妈的体检5月19日过期。点击展开...政府的网站说体检的有效期是12个月,如果在有效期之内没有以加拿大永久居民的身份进入加拿大的话,可能需要再重新体检:Your medical exam results are valid for 12 months only. If you don’t come to Canada as a permanent resident within that time, you may need to have another exam. Medical exam for permanent resident applicants - Canada.caMedical exam for permanent resident applicantswww.canada.ca
Life is simple, but not easy.谢谢! webform 选择是哪个office? 申请延期有成功的吗?点击展开...IRCC web form: Contact us onlineIRCC Web formwww.cic.gc.ca
Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 H hol052 0$(VIP 0) 812020-04-04#10 我发了webform,收到回复了,但都是官方套话,只是说在现在允许登陆,并没有提及和回答关于是否可延期签证的问题。如果?️人收到了不同的回复,希望能在论坛里贴出来,给大家一个参考。
hol052 说:我发了webform,收到回复了,但都是官方套话,只是说在现在允许登陆,并没有提及和回答关于是否可延期签证的问题。如果?️人收到了不同的回复,希望能在论坛里贴出来,给大家一个参考。点击展开...几乎可以肯定的说是不可以延期的。我在2楼已写了,就不再重写了。
Life is simple, but not easy.如题。我现在也不能回国接她啊! 我已经入籍(国内是不是现在不接受非中国公民入境?), 我妈70多了,她说她不敢自己一个人来。我想申请延期,各位知道怎么申请吗? 延期是不是需要重新体检?我妈的体检5月19日过期。点击展开...我妈是六月中旬必须登陆。看了这个楼,我买了六月初的机票给她。没办法,就算能延期但还得重新体检也是相当麻烦的。
zhangaimee 说:我妈是六月中旬必须登陆。看了这个楼,我买了六月初的机票给她。没办法,就算能延期但还得重新体检也是相当麻烦的。点击展开...你妈是3月18日前拿到移民纸的吗?
chao8794 说:你妈是3月18日前拿到移民纸的吗?点击展开...是的
zhangaimee 说:我妈是六月中旬必须登陆。看了这个楼,我买了六月初的机票给她。没办法,就算能延期但还得重新体检也是相当麻烦的。点击展开...我们也是。回来分享一下登陆经验啊,祝一切顺利。
股票涨涨涨涨 超赞 赏 jessica123321 0$(VIP 0) 162020-05-21#16 大家买的哪个航空公司,或者现在什么情况来更新一下?我父母要在6月初过来,但是加航取消了航班,现在不知道该怎么办?发web form有什么结果谁来分享一下?会给延期吗?谢谢!
jessica123321 说:大家买的哪个航空公司,或者现在什么情况来更新一下?我父母要在6月初过来,但是加航取消了航班,现在不知道该怎么办?发web form有什么结果谁来分享一下?会给延期吗?谢谢!点击展开...会批准延期的,发web form去申请。请问最后定了延期吗?官方说法:Approved permanent resident applicants with expired or expiring documentsIf we already approved your permanent resident application but you can't travel to Canada before your documents expire, use the Web form to tell us why you can’t travel.Once it’s possible for you to travel, use the Web form to let us know so we can tell you what to do next
这是我收到的,希望有帮助。总之不用太担心Good day,Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).The Government of Canada is closely monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and any impacts on IRCC clients.We have forwarded your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as a permanent resident to the responsible office. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable or unwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, you may do so. Otherwise, once you and, if applicable, your family members are able to travel, please notify us by using the IRCC Web form. At that time, you will be provided with further instructions.For more information on the situation and to receive up-to-date information, we invite you to verify our website.Sincerely,
zhangaimee 说:我妈是六月中旬必须登陆。看了这个楼,我买了六月初的机票给她。没办法,就算能延期但还得重新体检也是相当麻烦的。点击展开...问一下,坐飞机的建康码是只要起飞的建康码吗?建康码每个城市都不一样吗?假如我在上海,要到北京坐飞机来加拿大。是不是两种建康码?上海的还有北京的?
股票涨涨涨涨 超赞 赏 B boycw 0$(VIP 0) 172020-06-16#20 同问,情况跟楼主一样,也是需要近期登陆! 请哪位最近登陆的分享一下经验啊!谢谢
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