加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?


申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么? 是护照的海关出入境记录吗?

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?自己提供:包括护照的海关出入境记录,在加拿大的工作、上学纪录,看病纪录,信用卡消费纪录,水电费账单,房租收据等等。单单护照纪录不足以说明问题。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 duoqing上将炊事班长 0$(VIP 0) 2,2632008-02-06#3 回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?我想除了进出境记录以外,还有你的房租记录,水电费记录,电话费记录,工资记录等等.

坐牢中 超赞 赏 C cfaway 0$(VIP 0) 2082008-02-06#4 回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?听有的帖子说 移民局和航空公司联网,能知道你出入境的具体出入记录,可能吗?这些算是个人隐私吧?

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么? Since October 2002, the Canada Border Services Agency has collected advance information from airlines on arriving passengers. The mandatory reporting, enforced with $3,000 fines, now allows the agency to run computer checks on about 96 per cent of all air travellers coming to Canada. But companies that operate buses, trains and cruise ships are currently required to provide such information only on request, and without the same mandatory electronic transfer of data demanded from airlines. Instead, the ad hoc passenger data usually arrives by fax or e-mail, and is often incomplete, making analysis difficult. A January report from the agency, however, outlines a plan to broaden surveillance to require the same advance electronic data that airlines must provide, covering 100 per cent of passengers on all modes of travel.

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么? ...点击展开... 断章取义。全文如下,很明显是针对恐怖分子的,不是为了看你在加拿大呆多久的。 Pre-screening touted for borderBorder agency wants advance list of flyers' names expanded so it can red-flag more security risksOTTAWA - Canada's border agency wants to expand its surveillance of travellers entering the country, with plans to force buses, trains and cruise ships to provide advance electronic lists of passengers and their personal details. Since October 2002, the Canada Border Services Agency has collected advance information from airlines on arriving passengers. The mandatory reporting, enforced with $3,000 fines, now allows the agency to run computer checks on about 96 per cent of all air travellers coming to Canada. But companies that operate buses, trains and cruise ships are currently required to provide such information only on request, and without the same mandatory electronic transfer of data demanded from airlines. Instead, the ad hoc passenger data usually arrives by fax or e-mail, and is often incomplete, making analysis difficult. A January report from the agency, however, outlines a plan to broaden surveillance to require the same advance electronic data that airlines must provide, covering 100 per cent of passengers on all modes of travel. "Pre-arrival targeting has not yet realized its full potential," says the document. "With the proper leadership, design and delivery framework, electronic systems, training and regulatory support, pre-arrival targeting could become and excellent risk-management and workload-management tool." The report says a single, central authority is being created this year to manage the collection, monitoring and analysis of passenger information to spot potential terrorists and criminals. Some of the information is shared with U.S. agencies under agreement. As well, a series of internal studies is under way to determine how best to expand passenger surveillance - and to better monitor marine cargo and commercial goods before they enter Canada, along with tougher penalties for failing to comply. The first steps in broadening the system are expected sometime this year, the report indicates. Under the current air-traveller system, a central computer system known as PAXIS sifts through information on the 20 million air travellers arriving in Canada each year, and checks the data against criminal records, customs infractions and immigration warrants. The computer red-flags about 240,000 passengers before arrival each year and Ottawa-based experts known as 'targeters' review each file, issuing electronic 'lookouts' on the more suspicious travellers. Border officers then pull aside the suspects at airports for detailed questioning. The personal information airlines must provide includes full name, birth date, gender, citizenship, visa and passport numbers, baggage information, and seat number. The agency does screen travellers and crew arriving by other modes, although advance passenger information is provided only if requested and in non-standard formats. The report notes that about 12 per cent of the 600,000 cruise ship passengers entering Canada in 2006 were given secondary, detailed questioning by border officers but "few travellers arriving by sea were identified as high risk." The exceptions are the crews of commercial vessels. All such crew members are considered high risk, and the agency now requires their personal information to be sent seven days before arrival. The agency currently spends about $63 million each year on pre-arrival targeting, including a parallel commercial-goods system. A spokesman for the agency indicated that trains and cruise ships, rather than buses, will be the first areas for expanding the electronic transfer of passenger information . "The CBSA is engaged in early consideration to integrate cruise ships and rail within the . .. program," Derek Mellon said in an e-mail response to questions. "Once the analysis is complete, the CBSA will be in a position to consider the time frames for implementation." A spokesman for Canada's privacy commissioner noted that the original legislation allowing passenger information to be collected referred to all modes of travel, and has already been approved from a protection-of-privacy standpoint. But Colin McKay said there are concerns about private carriers, who have limited track records on safeguarding personal information, suddenly being required to manage confidential databases. "Are these companies prepared to collect this information and keep it safe?" he said in an interview. "Airlines have passenger-data systems and are used to collecting personal information and keeping it safe. Bus companies, I don't think, are in the habit of asking more than your name, if they ask you that. ... It raises a practical question for us." In a 2006 report, the privacy commissioner warned that the border agency was sometimes sharing personal information with U.S. authorities orally, without written requests, violating government policy.


回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?入籍从申请到批下来要多久呢

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?如果护照记录不全,其他的各项都有。也可以证明自己在加拿大是不是住够了时间吧?点击展开... 如果移民局觉得不够,也不听你的理论,你可以找公民法官来最终裁定。 不过材料全一点好,否则碰到有争议的问题会拖很久的。


http://www.canadameet.com断章取义。全文如下,很明显是针对恐怖分子的,不是为了看你在加拿大呆多久的。点击展开...My point is they do collect the information. So if you say you haven't left the country for 3 years, but your name keeps showing up on the list, then you might have some explanation to do.

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?My point is they do collect the information. So if you say you haven't left the country for 3 years, but your name keeps showing up on the list, then you might have some explanation to do.点击展开... 申请公民,加拿大住多久的证据需要有申请人提供,移民局只是在必要的情况下才会去核对飞行记录。如果申请人提供的证据很充分很全面,那移民局不会浪费时间精力去查记录的。

http://www.canadameet.com申请公民,加拿大住多久的证据需要有申请人提供,移民局只是在必要的情况下才会去核对飞行记录。如果申请人提供的证据很充分很全面,那移民局不会浪费时间精力去查记录的。点击展开... 入籍申请要提供什么呢

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?入籍申请要提供什么呢点击展开... 申请表格,申请费,申请说明上写着的其他内容。 时间没有住够的人越来越多,所以申请时间现在越来越长,还不时的要补材料什么的,要填的表格越来越离谱,什么问题都问。

http://www.canadameet.com入籍从申请到批下来要多久呢点击展开... 我朋友5个月就叫他去唱歌了。

团聚类移民2007-07-30递交资料2007-11-03收到VISA2007-12-14登陆温哥华?你的???入?呢系靳后,呃些都是?呢去分析,根本不需要人工.但?呢分析都出?偏差后,你的所有咄出??就?被整出???,然后要求你提供酌?.每?人在提供居住???候都只?咄出?殓,上面也?什么酌?的.点击展开... 我还是觉得电脑没有那么先进,反正我觉得那些移民官有的时候很糊涂。可能以后会像你说的那样吧。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 C cfaway 0$(VIP 0) 2082008-02-15#18 回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?会有可能面试?

回复: 申请公民,移民管判断我在加拿大住多久的证据是什么?会有可能面试?点击展开...听说安排面试要排队等一年多。


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