加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我没有出生公证,如何办?
我们60多岁了,不考试,上报材料后近一年才收到一个通知,下月15号要去面谈,上面要求带的文件如下:1、This notice.本通知2、2 pieces of personal identification. one of which has your photograph and signature on it (e.g.drivers licence,health card,etc)工卡和健康卡,我没有驾驶执照。3、All your original documents that support your citizenship application (e.g.birth certificate, etc)出生公证4、Your original immigration record of landing(IMM 1000) OR confirmation of permanent residence(IMM 5292)移民纸5、Permanent Resident card (if you have ever received one)枫叶卡6、All passports and travel documents in your possession (current and expired)中国护照标注的中文是我的理解,对吗?就是出生公证没有,其它没问题。
回复: 我没有出生公证,如何办?如果你是6岁的话就需要提供出生证,否则不用。。。。。。
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