加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程
入籍考试安排在1:01pm 提前40分钟到 里面很多人都在楼下大厅等待 距离考试20分钟左右被叫到二楼准备考试 考试人很多 站排进去有人安排座位 填答题卡名字等 发完题要等说开始才可以20题对至少15题 以下是我记住的考题 仅供大家参考1 what celebrate in Canada day? 选择庆祝self-governing domination of Canada2 what's the significance of hockey? 是national game and popular game 书上有原话!3 the six responsibilities of federal government? 4 in war 1812 what Canadian achieve? 选择 canadian keep independence from united states5 Mp of Montreal announced that she will spend weekends in the city of Montreal, where should she stay? 这一题我乱选的。选项有 待在自己的office里面。待在ottowa 议会大楼。待在quebec。还有一个就是自由出入自己当地的选区。我猜的最后一个6 In the vimy Ridge, what expressions about Canada is right? 选择canadian在一战中展现了英勇保住了荣誉7 which statement about freedoom about Canadian is not true? 只要记住canadian有什么自由就可以了。8 why we choose secret ballot?书上有原话9 where do one third of Canadian live? Ontario10 why Fatima could find a job in canada as new immigrant? Equality between men and women11 which province is the main province to produce paper, pulp and hydroelectric ? Quebec12 Name three requirements you must meet in order to vote in a federal election. Canadian 18years or older on the voter's card13 how many provinces in Canada? 1014 the population of Canada?15 What are three key facts about Canada's system of government? A federal nation, a constitutional democracy and a parliamentary monarchy.16 How senators were chosen? Appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister.17 What's the importance of finding insulin? Save millions of lives who get diabetes18 what's Canadian current civilization? English and french civilization19 What is the difference between Sovereign and prime minister? Sovereign is head of state prime minister is the head of government!20 ?? 不记得了 应该是个很简单的题目。所有题大概五六分就答完。交卷快的话 之后的interview就在前面http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/这是我复习的网站里面有题 考试时候大概有14题原题 问法稍微换一下interview的时候只要我的护照 看上面的出入境记录然后对应之前我们交申请的时候所填的出入境日期。对应上以后在后面画一个对号 问题有:现在工作吗?在那里?工作多久了?家里还有别的亲人在加拿大吗?这个亲人是加拿大籍吗?就这些不看landing paper 枫叶卡和birth certificateInterview 之后就告诉如果过了考试citizenship judge满意你的所有条件2-3个月就可以参加ceremony了整个过程就这样仅供大家参考
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程谢谢分享!非常有用的信息!
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程I had the test this morning, content is totally different.interview is overall all right with simple questions hope we can get the good news soon
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程I had the test this morning, content is totally different.interview is overall all right with simple questions hope we can get the good news soon[/QUOTE应该可以过题目都不是很难 挺直观的希望可以顺利通过唱歌点击展开...
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程谢谢分享,非常有用,祝顺利!
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程非常有用!感谢
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程谢谢分享,快考试了,准备读书了,哎
回复: 12月15日考完入籍考试,记得一些考题,还有考试及面试过程I had the test this morning, content is totally different.interview is overall all right with simple questions hope we can get the good news soon点击展开... 希望你也能把你的试题分享出来啊
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