加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民什么情况下容易被RQ?



回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?随机

超赞 赏 十二少 0$(VIP 0) 2,3482013-03-30#3 回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?Residence declaration• Applicant declares Non-Permanent Resident (NPR) time which cannot be confirmed through immigration documents, FOSS, or stamps in passport and NPR time is needed in order to meet the residence requirement. (CPC referral.)• Applicant cannot adequately or convincingly account for time spent within the past four years.— Previous applications• Applicant had a previous application for citizenship that was refused on residence. (CPC referral.)• Applicant had a previous application for citizenship that was abandoned or withdrawn. (CPC referral.)— Passport• Stamps in passport indicate that the applicant has not declared all absences from Canada.• When coming to write an exam or to have a quality assurance interview, the client's passport shows recent entry stamp to Canada or an exit stamp from another country.• Client presents a new passport but cannot account for passports used during the relevantfour year period, or client is in possession of a new passport issued outside Canada.• Client is asked to present passport at an exam or scheduled appointment but does not bring it.— Immigration• NCB (non-computer based entry in FOSS similar to a client note in GCMS) indicates that the applicant travels often, that Immigration has received information that the applicant does not reside in Canada, that the applicant relinquished or attempted to relinquish permanent resident status while outside Canada, or that the applicant has lost or is subject to loss of permanent resident while outside Canada (for example an RX-1 visa was issued).• An individual has been identified by Immigration as being subject to loss of permanent resident status in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act because he or she did not meet the residency obligation.— Other indications• CIC receives a letter or an e-mail from the Call Centre or there is a client/case note in GCMS indicating information has been received that the applicant travels often or that the applicant does not reside in Canada.• The documents appear to be suspicious or fraudulent.• There is a major discrepancy between the appearance of the signature on the photograph and the signature on the application.• The photographs submitted with the application were taken outside of Canada but no absences are listed on the application.• The employer phone number not stated on an adult application, the area code for a person's employment is different from their home area code, or employer cannot be contacted.• A number of applicants are using the same Articles of Incorporation for Canadian companies or are listing the same persons as members of the Board of Directors for a Canadian company.• A letter of employment is signed by the applicant or by a member of the applicant's immediate family.• A number of applicants are sharing the same residential address, home telephone numbers or business address, but they do not submit applications together.• Multiple applications are completed in the same handwriting or typewriting style but are not submitted together and section 12 of the application form (indicating that someone has assisted in the completion of the application) has not been filled out.• There are different handwritings on the application form and Section 12 is not completed.• The date of application is within times shown as being outside of Canada.• Work outside Canada is presented as assignment by a Canadian company when applicant or relative is the actual owner or shareholder of the company.• The client who has been asked to provide fingerprints has them taken outside Canada.• Provincial healthcare card is expired.

always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 十二少 0$(VIP 0) 2,3482013-03-30#4 回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?转另一个论坛的讨论RQ原因here are some of the known reasons for getting an RQ. -Applicant applying alone or family members applying at different times. -Travelling a lot with lot of entry/ exit stamps -Not having old passports during the test -Renewed Passport issued from a different country -Applicant moving within Canada frequently -Having a student visa of another country in your passport -Having a phone number from a different area code. -Having a Permanent Residency of another Country -Unable to attentd the test for first time -Not having important documents like Drivers License, Health Card and or a Vehicle in Canada -Sometimes even having no absences have triggered an RQ for a few folks. -Frequent short trips to other countries, particularly, the U.S. -Having ties in other countries, example, applicant's entire family is in a different country and the applicant alone staying here. -Expired Passport and not renewed since Applicant was not planning on going out

always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 十二少 0$(VIP 0) 2,3482013-03-30#5 回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?保守党真TNND是神经病,凭什么moving within Canada frequently 也要RQ,不是DISCOVER CANADA上都说住在哪里是公民的自由!

always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 H HKE 0$(VIP 0) 3342013-03-30#6 回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?我觉基本属于随机。论坛里5年待着没离开加拿大一样被RQ

回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?我们搬家都 6,7次了, 都没rq,rq是随机的 ,上次论坛不是有个人问了, 为什么给他 rq,cic讨论不出结果, 当场取消rq么

超赞 赏 baibaitu 0$(VIP 0) 8712013-03-31#8 回复: 什么情况下容易被RQ?估计出现上述情况之一者人数太多,干脆随机了新版申请表允许CIC查询CBSA入境记录后不知会是否减少RQ数量

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