加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【入籍语言证明】求助!!
明年1月准备申请入籍,现在在慢慢开始看起来,好像听说刚加了语言条件。来咨询一下前辈们我2009年考了 雅思A类考试,7分2010年开始在加拿大大学 读书。 像我这样可以提供读书的在校证明,证明我的语言没问题吗? (因为听说雅思要求一定要G类),我是不是要重新考G类? 谢谢
回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!no
回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!提供加拿大大学的文凭,证书或学位证书就可以证明语言达到要求
2006.9.25 FN 2010.5.13 ME 2011.1.11 MER 2011.1.14 PL漫长的51个半月 超赞 赏 X XDgirl 0$(VIP 0) 2782013-08-28#4 回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!1. CIC有特別註明A類不行 一定要G類Results of a CIC-approved third-party test at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB/NCLC) [Note 1] level 4 or higher in speaking and listening skills done previously for immigration purposes (even expired) or done specifically for citizenship purposes, from the following list are acceptable only:Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program General test (CELPIP-G), (not the academic version) orCELPIP-General LS – a two-skills (listening and speaking) version of the CELPIP general test orInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS), general training, not the academic version2.未完成學業的在校證明/成績單不行 一定要有完成學業的證書(certificate/diploma)2. Proof of completion of secondary or post-secondary education in French or English includes:A diploma or transcripts from a secondary or post-secondary school indicating the successful completion of a program, in Canada or abroad. orA diploma or certificate from a secondary or post-secondary school indicating successful graduation, in Canada or abroad.Note: A single course done in English or French does not meet the requirement .http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/informa....asp#CIT0002E4
回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!CIC太死板了!!!
回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!提供加拿大大学的文凭,证书或学位证书就可以证明语言达到要求点击展开...没有学位。 还在上学啊~
回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!没有学位。 还在上学啊~点击展开...我弟也還沒畢業 所以考了CELPIP 可上網報名1. ...from the following list are acceptable only:Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program General test (CELPIP-G), (not the academic version) orCELPIP-General LS – a two-skills (listening and speaking) version of the CELPIP general test orInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS), general training, not the academic versionhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/CIT0002ETOC.asp
回复: 入籍语言证明求助!!Mark .thank you
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