加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民宣誓完马上可以申请护照吗?等多长时间可以拿到?


rt. 谢谢。

回复: 宣誓完马上可以申请护照吗?等多长时间可以拿到?rt. 谢谢。点击展开...現在要等宣誓後兩天建檔 兩天後才能申請護照.人到office遞件的話是10 business days, 郵寄是20 business days.附機票證明+$110可以申請加急, 24小時候拿到.Passport Canada

回复: 宣誓完马上可以申请护照吗?等多长时间可以拿到?谢谢你的信息。 我刚才在网上搜,有人说24小时加急那种只能是有外交背景的人才可以申请拿到,一般人不会让24小时拿到。 是这样吗?現在要等宣誓後兩天建檔 兩天後才能申請護照.人到office遞件的話是10 business days, 郵寄是20 business days.附機票證明+$110可以申請加急, 24小時候拿到.Passport Canada点击展开...

回复: 宣誓完马上可以申请护照吗?等多长时间可以拿到?谢谢你的信息。 我刚才在网上搜,有人说24小时加急那种只能是有外交背景的人才可以申请拿到,一般人不会让24小时拿到。 是这样吗?点击展开......不要亂聽網路讒言! 上個帖都附網址了 麻煩請點一下Passport Canada網站看!!我朋友上禮拜28號遞申請 +加急費$110 +這禮拜去美國機票證明,隔天中午被通知領取護照.再附一次Passport Canada網址,請點我看For urgent or express service, the applicant must apply in person at a Passport Canada office. Proof of travel is required for urgent service; it may also be requested for express service. Some examples of proof of travel are: an airline, bus or train ticket; a travel itinerary showing proof of payment; or a written statement, if traveling by car (acceptance is at the discretion of the Passport Officer). Urgent or express applications cannot be submitted by a third party.The table below shows the expedited processing services available in person at a Passport Canada office. In addition to the passport fee, these additional fees will apply.Expedited services available for Canadians in person at a Passport office in CanadaService: Urgent pick-upAdditional fee: C$110Processing time: 24 hours

回复: 宣誓完马上可以申请护照吗?等多长时间可以拿到?...不要亂聽網路讒言! 上個帖都附網址了 麻煩請點一下Passport Canada網站看!!我朋友上禮拜28號遞申請 +加急費$110 +這禮拜去美國機票證明,隔天中午被通知領取護照.再附一次Passport Canada網址,請點我看For urgent or express service, the applicant must apply in person at a Passport Canada office. Proof of travel is required for urgent service; it may also be requested for express service. Some examples of proof of travel are: an airline, bus or train ticket; a travel itinerary showing proof of payment; or a written statement, if traveling by car (acceptance is at the discretion of the Passport Officer). Urgent or express applications cannot be submitted by a third party.谢谢了噶,请问你是台湾或者香港人哇? 用繁体字啊The table below shows the expedited processing services available in person at a Passport Canada office. In addition to the passport fee, these additional fees will apply.Expedited services available for Canadians in person at a Passport office in CanadaService: Urgent pick-upAdditional fee: C$110Processing time: 24 hours点击展开...

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