加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【跪求高人】renew枫叶卡,孩子身高忘了填,今天收到email.......
今天刚收到email, 说是漏填了孩子的身高,我反复读了好几遍,还是不明白,这个意思是让我补交材料呢?还是整个包裹会退回来,然后我重新提交?1. 如果是补充材料,那应该怎么提交?如果我想要顺便更改地址,怎么办?2. 如果是全部退回来,那我啥时候能收到包裹呢?以下是email 内容,请大家帮帮忙!!!!We have reviewed your application for a Permanent Resident Card and found that it is incomplete. In order for us to continue processing your request, you must complete and/or submit the following documents and return them to the Case Processing Centre. Please refer to the application kit for detailed instructions._______ Please verify your correct height in ________ cm or ______ft_______in .Please include this letter with your submission. Your application for a Permanent Resident Card will be processed upon receipt of the above information and/or documents. If we do not receive the requested information within 180 days of the date above, we will consider your application for a permanent resident card abandoned. Any new information submitted after the 180 days will require a new application, fee, photos and relevant documents.The client number shown in the upper left corner of this letter is your personal identification number. Please ensure that you include this number on all correspondence. Failure to include this number may result in all correspondence being returned to you and a further delay in the processing of your application. If you require further information, please telephone the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100 or visit our website at www.cic.gc.ca.
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