加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过
回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过没有枫叶卡就不能出境了,老老实实呆在加拿大吧,等消息吧!
回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过移民官说要叫什么delegate来决定是否要给我interviw或者拒绝我,假如拒绝的话还可以上诉,估计这个时间要很久吧
回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过If the appeal on residency obligation is allowed, the IAD will set aside CIC's decision and the person will keep his or her permanent resident status. If the appeal is dismissed, the person will lose permanent resident status. If the person is in Canada, the IAD must order his or her removal from Canada.Either the appellant or Minister's counsel may apply for leave, or permission, from the Federal Court of Canada for judicial review of any IAD decision. The Federal Court of Canada will either dismiss the application or return the case to the IAD for re-hearing.
移民部授权注册移民法律顾问。专业办理移民、留学、签证。免费咨询请跟贴http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=670760网址:www.smartvisa.ca 人而无信,不知其可也。大车无輗,小车无軏,其何以行之哉? 超赞 赏 C cyy2006 0$(VIP 0) 1712014-01-15#5 回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过为什么移民官不直接叫我上诉啊?为什么还要等什么delegate?
回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过你什么情况阿,可以申请人道主义
回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过现在什么情况了?
回复: 5年没住满两年申请人道主义renew枫叶卡第一次面试没过If the appeal on residency obligation is allowed, the IAD will set aside CIC's decision and the person will keep his or her permanent resident status. If the appeal is dismissed, the person will lose permanent resident status. If the person is in Canada, the IAD must order his or her removal from Canada.Either the appellant or Minister's counsel may apply for leave, or permission, from the Federal Court of Canada for judicial review of any IAD decision. The Federal Court of Canada will either dismiss the application or return the case to the IAD for re-hearing.点击展开...
你 一会看我 一会看云我觉得 你看我时很远 你看云时很近 超赞 赏 South Avenue 3$(VIP 0,#263) 5,1442014-06-11#9 那要看你的人道主义理由是什么了。。。。。。
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