加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于女儿的出生证
06-09-05 FN,VO:LI10-4-10 ME 10-7-22 MER 10-8-14 PL 10-9-13 DM 10-9-25 收到签证、移民纸,毕业了11-03-07 登录蒙特利尔我刚办完护照。中国医院出具的出生证明原件加BC翻译协会成员的翻译件加公民纸办理加拿大护照。点击展开...谢谢
ste_yang 说:我刚办完护照。中国医院出具的出生证明原件加BC翻译协会成员的翻译件加公民纸办理加拿大护照。点击展开...
我看了看给孩子办加拿大护照的说明,好像提到孩子的父母双方,都要在领取护照的时候出面并签字,这是原文:Both parents are requested to participate in obtaining passport services for their child and to sign the application form. The other parent may be contacted. If you do not know the whereabouts of the other parent, please contact us. When a legal guardian is the applicant, the other legal guardian(s), as the case may be, must also participate. Proof of legal guardianship is required.请办理过的各位,说明下,谢谢。
ste_yang 说:我刚办完护照。中国医院出具的出生证明原件加BC翻译协会成员的翻译件加公民纸办理加拿大护照。点击展开...我看了看给孩子办加拿大护照的说明,好像提到孩子的父母双方,都要在领取护照的时候出面并签字,这是原文:Both parents are requested to participate in obtaining passport services for their child and to sign the application form. The other parent may be contacted. If you do not know the whereabouts of the other parent, please contact us. When a legal guardian is the applicant, the other legal guardian(s), as the case may be, must also participate. Proof of legal guardianship is required.请办理过的各位,说明下,谢谢。
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