加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助关于换枫叶卡的几个问题,急!


想和大家请教几个关于换枫叶卡的问题:1. 网上说必须用自己的地址,所以现在用朋友的地址会有问题吗?我近期可能时不时要回去,所以让朋友收比较靠谱,之前入籍申请也用了朋友地址。换枫叶卡如果用不一样地址要紧吗?CIC会和房主打电话确认我是不是住在那里?2. 现在必须找专业人士做护照的翻译和certify?温哥华有没有哪里推荐的?3.下面这个other notice of assessment是什么?CRA除了报税的NOA还有别的?proof of residency除了填护照所有页和报税记录之外还要提供这个,你们都提供的什么啊?Other Notices of Assessment issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years


thinkxk 说:1。地址我想还是需要用自己的。我认识的一个阿姨,4月递了申请,现在也没收到新卡,中间CIC给她发过好几次信,有一次就是因为她的医保卡收信地址和枫叶卡收信地址不一致,CIC要核实她是不是本人确实在加拿大。2。这个帮不了你。3。比如电费帐单之类的,上面有地址有姓名。点击展开...感谢回复啊。3这个是说NOA from CRA啊, 电费账单不算的吧,这和CRA没关系啊。

vvviolet 说:感谢回复啊。3这个是说NOA from CRA啊, 电费账单不算的吧,这和CRA没关系啊。点击展开...我不知道有个孩子牛奶金的信算不算啊,那个确实是CRA发的,里面会写你保税的家庭收入是多少,对应的孩子的牛奶金金额是多少。我提供了我上学的成绩单,孩子学校的就读证明以及成绩单。

thinkxk 说:我不知道有个孩子牛奶金的信算不算啊,那个确实是CRA发的,里面会写你保税的家庭收入是多少,对应的孩子的牛奶金金额是多少。我提供了我上学的成绩单,孩子学校的就读证明以及成绩单。点击展开...额,我没有孩子。。。话说你的护照翻译是怎么弄的?

话说 renewPR卡没那么复杂的,我去年11月份递交的,入境章没有翻译,爱咋咋的。Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) yearsInclude the following with your application:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents),Your most recent Income Tax assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency within the past two (2) years. Note: You can view (and print) your tax return, as well as other personal tax information using the CRA’s My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account.andA copy of one of the following:Other Notices of Assessment issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years, or 针对上班的,就是报税回执单transcripts from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada verifying attendance within the past five (5) years, or 针对成人上学而不工作的for all school-aged children, school records (such as report cards) verifying attendance within the past five (5) years. 针对未成年学生的

不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!​话说 enewPR卡没那么复杂的,我去年11月份递交的,入境章没有翻译,爱咋咋的。Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) yearsInclude the following with your application:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents),Your most recent Income Tax assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency within the past two (2) years. Note: You can view (and print) your tax return, as well as other personal tax information using the CRA’s My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account.andA copy of one of the following:Other Notices of Assessment issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years, or 针对上班的,就是报税回执单transcripts from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada verifying attendance within the past five (5) years, or 针对成人上学而不工作的for all school-aged children, school records (such as report cards) verifying attendance within the past five (5) years. 针对未成年学生的点击展开...

如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔话说 enewPR卡没那么复杂的,我去年11月份递交的,入境章没有翻译,爱咋咋的。Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) yearsInclude the following with your application:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents),Your most recent Income Tax assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency within the past two (2) years. Note: You can view (and print) your tax return, as well as other personal tax information using the CRA’s My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account.andA copy of one of the following:Other Notices of Assessment issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years, or 针对上班的,就是报税回执单transcripts from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada verifying attendance within the past five (5) years, or 针对成人上学而不工作的for all school-aged children, school records (such as report cards) verifying attendance within the past five (5) years. 针对未成年学生的点击展开...太牛了。CIC网站上写明要翻译的,还要certify true copy.

vvviolet 说:额,我没有孩子。。。话说你的护照翻译是怎么弄的?点击展开...我护照没翻译。我12月递交的申请,等待中。不过我四年没有回国了,他们应该不会纠结四年和更久前那么仅有的几个中国海关出入境章吧。

vvviolet 说:太牛了。CIC网站上写明要翻译的,还要certify true copy.点击展开...CIC纯粹扯淡,护照上的中国边防章他见了多少次(上面也有英文),还要他们的翻译,纯属故意。看看赤脚孩子的帖子,那才是牛:http://forum.iask.ca/threads/求教咨询枫叶卡renew批准以后,多久能收到新卡?最后祝大家新年快乐,身体健康!.783417/


不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!​ 超赞 赏 反馈:icevenus 红 红枫叶1973 0$(VIP 0) 3112016-02-12#12 记号

vvviolet 说:想和大家请教几个关于换枫叶卡的问题:1. 网上说必须用自己的地址,所以现在用朋友的地址会有问题吗?我近期可能时不时要回去,所以让朋友收比较靠谱,之前入籍申请也用了朋友地址。换枫叶卡如果用不一样地址要紧吗?CIC会和房主打电话确认我是不是住在那里?2. 现在必须找专业人士做护照的翻译和certify?温哥华有没有哪里推荐的?3.下面这个other notice of assessment是什么?CRA除了报税的NOA还有别的?proof of residency除了填护照所有页和报税记录之外还要提供这个,你们都提供的什么啊?Other Notices of Assessment issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years点击展开...正常来说没问题,主要是找你的时候能找到,才需要一个联络地址,续签条件五年满两年,所以你就算离开加拿大也没问题。护照翻译中领馆一般有公正和翻译,或者找华咨处之类都能帮助你

Tercel 说:话说 enewPR卡没那么复杂的,我去年11月份递交的,入境章没有翻译,爱咋咋的。Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) yearsInclude the following with your application:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents),Your most recent Income Tax assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency within the past two (2) years. Note: You can view (and print) your tax return, as well as other personal tax information using the CRA’s My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account.andA copy of one of the following:Other Notices of Assessment issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years, or 针对上班的,就是报税回执单transcripts from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada verifying attendance within the past five (5) years, or 针对成人上学而不工作的for all school-aged children, school records (such as report cards) verifying attendance within the past five (5) years. 针对未成年学生的点击展开...哥们儿你是真牛,我也没有翻译入境章,不过不是不想翻译,而是不知道,反正是稀里糊涂的就递交了,不过就像你说的爱咋咋地吧,哈哈

I am on my way ! 超赞 赏 P pighead 0$(VIP 0) 1,3102016-02-13#15 我也没有翻译入境章


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