加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民入籍考试后


今天下午参加了入籍考试,一共20题,拿到满分,officer 说3-4个月就可以去唱歌了。 自己的体会:把书看明白,我把书通读了2遍,网上做题,再看看网友的真题回忆,一不小心就拿满分。祝大家考试顺利。

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题还记得第一、第二两题的其他选项吗?

秋花酿酒还记得第一、第二两题的其他选项吗?点击展开...第一题:好像有bear, goose, 还有个什么忘记了,你只要看到beaver, 就勇敢的选,应该没有错的。第二题:我记得有个oil,pulp,别的就记不住了,

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题请问:是在那个城市考的?面试大约问些什么?谢谢

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题请问:是在那个城市考的?面试大约问些什么?谢谢点击展开...在多伦多考的,出示护照,ID,问题如下:4年之内是否出境过,去哪里?多长时间?有没有工作过?什么工作?孩子是在这里出生的吗?有没有参加过长期的学习?将来的打算是什么?在家里干些什么? 其实就是考察一下你的口语及听力,同学们不用特别紧张,你入籍考试都通过了,下面都是小case了。

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题在多伦多考的,出示护照,ID,问题如下:4年之内是否出境过,去哪里?多长时间?有没有工作过?什么工作?孩子是在这里出生的吗?有没有参加过长期的学习?将来的打算是什么?在家里干些什么? 其实就是考察一下你的口语及听力,同学们不用特别紧张,你入籍考试都通过了,下面都是小case了。点击展开...衷心感谢!多伦多入籍好像都是去米西沙加考试吧?

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题入籍考试20道题本来就极其简单,相当于本地小学水平,考满分根本说明不了什么

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题楼主是在st.clair考的.

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题第一题:好像有bear, goose, 还有个什么忘记了,你只要看到beaver, 就勇敢的选,应该没有错的。第二题:我记得有个oil,pulp,别的就记不住了,点击展开...多谢!

秋花酿酒 超赞 赏 J Janeliu789 0$(VIP 0) 4482014-02-19#10 回复: 新鲜的入籍考题顶一个

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题1. Canada`s symbol-----beaver...........楼主你肯定吗?? 这题好像有点奇怪?Canada's symbol, 有很多, 有crown, 有rcmp, 有maple leaf.什么时候轮得到beaver ??Canadian Symbols Listen to this chapter Mace of the House of Commons, Ottawa [ See larger version ] Canada has many important symbols — objects, events, and people that have special meaning. Together they help explain what it means to be Canadian and express our national identity. Important Canadian symbols appear throughout this booklet. The Canadian Crown The Crown has been a symbol of the state in Canada for 400 years. Canada has been a constitutional monarchy in its own right since Confederation in 1867 during Queen Victoria’s reign. Queen Elizabeth II who has been Queen of Canada since 1952, marked her Golden Jubilee in 2002, and celebrates her Diamond Jubilee (60 years as Sovereign) in 2012. The Crown is a symbol of government, including Parliament, the legislatures, the courts, police services and the Canadian Forces.The Maple Leaf The maple leaf is Canada’s best-known symbol. Maple leaves were adopted as a symbol by French-Canadians in the 1700s, have appeared on Canadian uniforms and insignia since the 1850s, and are carved into the headstones of our fallen soldiers buried overseas and in Canada. The Beaver The beaver was adopted centuries ago as a symbol of the Hudson’s Bay Company. It became an emblem of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, a French-Canadian patriotic association, in 1834, and was also adopted by other groups. This industrious rodent can be seen on the five-cent coin, on the coats of arms of Saskatchewan and Alberta, and of cities such as Montreal and Toronto.唉, 不过话又说回来, 既然在书的那章里面出现了, 那应该统统都算作symbol吧, 哪怕文字没明说.

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题请问你是什么时候递的申请?有要求语言证明吗,需要怎样的语言要求?

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题1. Canada`s symbol-----beaver ........... 楼主你肯定吗?? 这题好像有点奇怪? Canada's symbol, 有很多, 有crown, 有rcmp, 有maple leaf.什么时候轮得到beaver ?? Canadian Symbols Listen to this chapter Mace of the House of Commons, Ottawa[ See larger version ] Canada has many important symbols — objects, events, and people that have special meaning. Together they help explain what it means to be Canadian and express our national identity. Important Canadian symbols appear throughout this booklet.The Canadian Crown The Crown has been a symbol of the state in Canada for 400 years. Canada has been a constitutional monarchy in its own right since Confederation in 1867 during Queen Victoria’s reign. Queen Elizabeth II who has been Queen of Canada since 1952, marked her Golden Jubilee in 2002, and celebrates her Diamond Jubilee (60 years as Sovereign) in 2012. The Crown is a symbol of government, including Parliament, the legislatures, the courts, police services and the Canadian Forces. The Maple Leaf The maple leaf is Canada’s best-known symbol. Maple leaves were adopted as a symbol by French-Canadians in the 1700s, have appeared on Canadian uniforms and insignia since the 1850s, and are carved into the headstones of our fallen soldiers buried overseas and in Canada. The Beaver The beaver was adopted centuries ago as a symbol of the Hudson’s Bay Company. It became an emblem of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, a French-Canadian patriotic association, in 1834, and was also adopted by other groups. This industrious rodent can be seen on the five-cent coin, on the coats of arms of Saskatchewan and Alberta, and of cities such as Montreal and Toronto. 唉, 不过话又说回来, 既然在书的那章里面出现了, 那应该统统都算作symbol吧, 哪怕文字没明说.点击展开... 打字急了点,没说明白,问的是:哪种动物是加拿大的象征?给了4个选择,其中有beaver.

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题请问你是什么时候递的申请?有要求语言证明吗,需要怎样的语言要求?点击展开...2011年9月,在11月之前,当时没有语言要求。其实语言要求很简单,1.要么去考个雅思,2.要么去YMCA评估,上LINC班,达到4级以上,学校会给发证书,就是语言证明了。3.要么有在加拿大的正规学校证明。

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题请问benchmark可以吗

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题请问benchmark可以吗点击展开... 应该可以吧。你最好打电话问问CIC的人,这里我给你从CIC转过来相关信息了:http://www.language.ca/index.cfm?Repertoire_No=2137991327 The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks is the centre of expertise in support of the national standards in English and French for describing, measuring and recognizing second language proficiency of adult immigrants and prospective immigrants for living and working in Canada.English version: Canadian Language BenchmarksFrench version: Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiensThe Centre promotes their recognition and use as practical, fair and reliable national standards of second language proficiency throughout Canada in educational, training, community and workplace settings.The CCLB gratefully acknowledges funding for the development of this website from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Human Resources and Social Development Canada and the provincial Governments of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题Mark

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题考试的题型都是问答题啊?我还以为是选择呢。问答题的难度大啊!

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题Mark

回复: 新鲜的入籍考题谢谢分享信息

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·新西兰新闻 致两名投资者被骗近200万纽币 奥克兰61岁男子获洗钱罪名



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