加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Renew补资料后,网上查询的状态会有变化吗
递交申请以后,要求补交护照的翻译和认证。资料通过Canada Post快递发过去,显示已经签收,但是在CIC的网上查询,还是合以前一样。补料签收已经2个星期。We received your application for a permanent resident card on November 25, 2016.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on December 20, 2016.We started processing your application on December 21, 2016.We sent you correspondence on December 29, 2016. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.
一辈子,一个人,一件事,足矣!QQ: 715262565 超赞 赏 H Hellenhe 0$(VIP 0) 5402017-01-25#2 网上更新的慢,别着急。
xujunfeng 说:递交申请以后,要求补交护照的翻译和认证。资料通过Canada Post快递发过去,显示已经签收,但是在CIC的网上查询,还是合以前一样。补料签收已经2个星期。We received your application for a permanent resident card on November 25, 2016.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on December 20, 2016.We started processing your application on December 21, 2016.We sent you correspondence on December 29, 2016. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.点击展开...现在收到新卡了吗
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