加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民托国内朋友把自己的中国护照,身份证,港澳通行证等帮带来加拿大是否有问题?





South Avenue 说:随身携带他人证件是违法的,快递邮寄是合法的。。。。。。点击展开...快递容易丢吧!?

zigzagda 说:快递容易丢吧!?点击展开...用大公司的快递,如UPS、Fedex、DHL等。。。。。。

zigzagda 说:上次家人回国,不小心把行李箱夹着的自己的中国护照,身份证,港澳通行证、PR卡等都带回国内了,最近想托朋友来加拿大时一起顺带稍过来,请问过中国安检或行李托运啥的有没有问题??点击展开...让朋友放到托运行李,不建议邮寄。

我是阿金 说:让朋友放到托运行李,不建议邮寄。点击展开...托运行李不会被扫描出问题吗?

zigzagda 说:托运行李不会被扫描出问题吗?点击展开...只要被查出来就算违法。。。。。。

South Avenue 说:只要被查出来就算违法。。。。。。点击展开...有法律依据吗?

zigzagda 说:托运行李不会被扫描出问题吗?点击展开...你也太相信机场的x光扫描设备了。放心吧,根本照不出来。

zigzagda 说:有法律依据吗?点击展开...Subsection 10(2)(c) of Canada Passport Order10 (1) Without limiting the generality of subsections 4(3) and (4) and for the greater certainty, the Minister may revoke a passport on the same grounds on which he or she may refuse to issue a passport.(2) In addition, the Minister may revoke the passport of a person who(a) being outside Canada, stands charged in a foreign country or state with the commission of any offence that would constitute an indictable offence if committed in Canada;(b) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe uses the passport in committing an indictable offence in Canada or any offence in a foreign country or state that would constitute an indictable offence if committed in Canada;(c) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe permits another person to use the passport;(d) has obtained the passport by means of false or misleading information; or(e) has ceased to be a Canadian citizen.Subsection 11.2(b) of Canada Passport Order11.2 Without limiting the generality of subsections 4(3) and (4) and for greater certainty, the Minister may cancel a passport if the person to whom it was issued(a) is deceased;(b) is no longer in possession of it; or(c) has been advised under section 11 to return it but has not returned it.。。。。。。

South Avenue 说:Subsection 10(2)(c) of Canada Passport Order10 (1) Without limiting the generality of subsections 4(3) and (4) and for the greater certainty, the Minister may revoke a passport on the same grounds on which he or she may refuse to issue a passport.(2) In addition, the Minister may revoke the passport of a person who(a) being outside Canada, stands charged in a foreign country or state with the commission of any offence that would constitute an indictable offence if committed in Canada;(b) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe uses the passport in committing an indictable offence in Canada or any offence in a foreign country or state that would constitute an indictable offence if committed in Canada;(c) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe permits another person to use the passport;(d) has obtained the passport by means of false or misleading information; or(e) has ceased to be a Canadian citizen.Subsection 11.2(b) of Canada Passport Order11.2 Without limiting the generality of subsections 4(3) and (4) and for greater certainty, the Minister may cancel a passport if the person to whom it was issued(a) is deceased;(b) is no longer in possession of it; or(c) has been advised under section 11 to return it but has not returned it.。。。。。。点击展开...什么啊,通篇我都没有看出来哪里说帮别人带证件违法。

airwaybill 说:什么啊,通篇我都没有看出来哪里说帮别人带证件违法。点击展开...不好解释是不是偷的证件,或是要想干什么违法勾当?

airwaybill 说:什么啊,通篇我都没有看出来哪里说帮别人带证件违法。点击展开...反正这本护照是没收了,呵呵。。。。。。

) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe permits another person to use the passport;什么是REASONABLE GROUND? 给别人带证件这不是常有的事?正常的事?怎么可能是REASONABLE GROUND成为没收护照的理由?

South Avenue 说:Subsection 10(2)(c) of Canada Passport Order10 (1) Without limiting the generality of subsections 4(3) and (4) and for the greater certainty, the Minister may revoke a passport on the same grounds on which he or she may refuse to issue a passport.(2) In addition, the Minister may revoke the passport of a person who(a) being outside Canada, stands charged in a foreign country or state with the commission of any offence that would constitute an indictable offence if committed in Canada;(b) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe uses the passport in committing an indictable offence in Canada or any offence in a foreign country or state that would constitute an indictable offence if committed in Canada;(c) the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe permits another person to use the passport;(d) has obtained the passport by means of false or misleading information; or(e) has ceased to be a Canadian citizen.Subsection 11.2(b) of Canada Passport Order11.2 Without limiting the generality of subsections 4(3) and (4) and for greater certainty, the Minister may cancel a passport if the person to whom it was issued(a) is deceased;(b) is no longer in possession of it; or(c) has been advised under section 11 to return it but has not returned it.。。。。。。点击展开...Canada Passport Order 也可以管外国人的护照啊?


sunny98 说:没有问题。点击展开...?什么?

sunny98 说:没有问题。点击展开...等有问题的时候哭也来不及。。。。。。

South Avenue 说:等有问题的时候哭也来不及。。。。。。点击展开...哦也对,忘了仔细看了。要带一定要随身行李,千万不能托运行李,否则弄丢了有你哭的。如果实在不放心,可以考虑做一个授权委托书给朋友,授权委托朋友将证件带来。这样一旦遇到查验询问,可以有相关的依据,而不至于被当成是有偷渡嫌疑。

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