加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民更新PR卡需要提供出入境章翻译件吗?
davide11 说:同题,谢谢!点击展开...我没主动提供,但被要求补了。
11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 超赞 赏 反馈:Horse Dragoon D daxigua001 0$(VIP 0) 1,6692018-03-10#4 出入次数多的,很大几率会补...
Horse Dragoon 说:不是签名, 是写上名字。点击展开...只说在放照片的小信封上写名字
护照全本certified copy并翻译宣誓的费用是$50+GST。。。。。。
South Avenue 说:护照全本certified copy并翻译宣誓的费用是$50+GST。。。。。。点击展开...只要复印首页,不是吗?
21 February 2018CASE PROCESSING CENTREP.O. Box 9000Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6K7MING ZHANG12 5789 Gray AveVancouver BC V6S 0A8UCI: 6629-7119 Application: R301308962*66297119* *R301308962*Dear MING ZHANG:This letter concerns your application for a Permanent Resident Card.A preliminary review of your application has been completed and additional information is needed before a final review can be completed.Subsection 28(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act describes the residency obligation with which permanent residents must comply.Section 56 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that a Permanent Resident Card application must include the addresses of all places of residence, as well as periods of absence from Canada, during the previous 5 years.To examine whether you are in compliance with the requirements to be issued a new Permanent Resident Card pursuant to paragraph 59(1)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, we request that you provide additional information for the period of 12/08/2012 to 12/09/2017.Please submit the following documents:· Photocopies of ALL pages (including blank pages) of your passport(s)/travel document(s) held in the last five (5) years. Ensure all pages are in colour and are clearly legible;AND· Personal immigration entry/exit record or movement certificate issued by your country of citizenship and the countries where you have travelled or resided;AND· Any other document(s) supporting your physical presence in CanadaAll documents must be accompanied by an official translation if they are in a language other than English or French. You should provide a certified copy of the English or French translation and a certified copy of the translator’s declaration. A translator’s declaration must include:· the translator’s name· the original language of the translated document, and· a statement signed by a translator that the translation is accurate.Please send the documents within 30 days of the date of this letter to the following address:Regular mail: Courier: ATTN: BG8137/T1 ATTN: BG8137/T1IRCC—PR Card IRCC—PR CardCASE PROCESSING CENTRE CASE PROCESSING CENTREPO BOX 9000 49 Dorchester StreetSydney, NS Sydney, NSB1P 6K7 B1P 5Z2If you require more time to submit documents, please notify our office within the 30 days, by emailing [email protected]. Please Note: Subject Line of email must include the personal identification number (UCI) listed above. Any emails received without a personal identification number (UCI) will not be actioned.Please include this letter with your submission. The UCI above is your personal identification number and it provides access to information on your file. Please include this number on all correspondence.If you do not provide us with documents, we will review your application on the basis of the information available, which may result in referral of your application to a local IRCC Office and a delay in processing.If you have questions or need more information, or wish to inform us of a change of address, you can do so by visiting http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/index.asp.Yours sincerely,Immigration OfficerCase Processing Centre=======================================================================================================================真人真事,爱信不信。。。。。。
一辈子,一个人,一件事,足矣!QQ: 715262565不要求提供 但可能要求补料这部分内容点击展开...正解!如果你没有时间等,最好一次性给他,免得以后再要求补料,耽搁时间。如果有时间等,出入境章不翻译的,也有通过的先例。
2012-04-21 递料 -- 2012-04-24 CIC签收2012-07-31 DM1 --2012-08-29 AR22012-09-18 补户信 --2012-10-07 DM22012-10-10 双地址 --2012-10-30 VISA正解!如果你没有时间等,最好一次性给他,免得以后再要求补料,耽搁时间。如果有时间等,出入境章不翻译的,也有通过的先例。点击展开...时间和邮费都是钱哦。。。。。。
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