加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民还是收到续卡补料的信,问题是我申请表上列的很清楚,还要再给份。
家里老人生病住院,卡着住满两年时间多个把月就着急回国了,回国时申请续卡了,当时卡已经过期。但是居住时间肯定够两年。结果半年后,还是来信了,这些工作人员是懒得算我的时间吗?我列表清清楚楚,还要我去准备份补充过去。。。。无语。在国内已经够忙一堆家事了,还要我搜集半年前加拿大资料,受不了。Please submit the following documents:Proof that you have met the residency obligation (if applicable). A description of why you were not able to meet the residency obligation (if applicable).A description of the extent of the hardship the loss of residency status would cause to you, your family members, and the best interests of any child directly affected by this decision (if applicable).Proof you have established linkages and ties in Canada, including home and family ties (e.g. rental/mortgage documents or records of medical appointments), employment ties (e.g. letters and records from past and present employers) and social tiesCopies of your personal Notice of Assessment, Revenue Canada T1 General and T4s for the years 2010-2017. Ensure you provide more than just the cover page of both your Notice of Assessments and Revenue Canada T1 General. Colour copy of your passport and any other travel documents showing all travel from November 2010 to presentPlease apply for and submit a record of entry and exit for the United States of America from the online portal at: http://www.foia.gov/how-to.html (Please do not submit form I94, it is not an accepted document). Please apply for and submit an Entry and Exit Record from China for the period July 2013 – Present (Documents not in English or French must be accompanied by certified translations) Please submit translations of all of the stamps in your passport which are not in English or FrenchSupporting documents showing that there are compelling and compassionate factors in your personal circumstances that justify keeping your permanent resident statusAny other information and evidence you have which demonstrates that you meet the residency requirements as prescribed in 28(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, including information about any humanitarian and compassionate factors you would like considered. Detailed supporting evidence is required. Please send the documents you wish to submit within 60 days of the date of this letter to:Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship CanadaPermanent Resident Unit1148 Hornby StreetVancouver, BC V6Z 2C3 If you are not physically residing in Canada you may apply for a Permanent Resident Travel Document (PRTD). If you have obtained a PRTD submit a copy of the final disposition. You may refer to the following website for details: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/pr-travel-document.htmlIf you wish to withdraw your Permanent Resident Card application you may refer to the following website for details: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=719&top=4If you wish to Voluntarily Renounce your Permanent Resident Status you may refer to the following website for details: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5781ETOC.aspThe client number in the upper right corner of this letter is your personal identification number and it provides access to information on your file. Please include this number on all documents and correspondence.All documents must be accompanied by an official translation if they are in a language other than English or French.You should provide a certified copy of the English or French translation and a certified copy of the translator’s declaration. A translator’s declaration must include:the translator’s namethe original language of the translated document, anda statement signed by a translator that the translation is accurate.If you require more time to submit documents, please notify our office at the address above within 45 days.If you do not provide the requested documents (or if you do not contact us within this period), we will review your application on the basis of the information provided, which may result in further delays in processing your application, and/or may result in a process being initiated that may lead to the loss of your permanent resident status. If you have questions or need more information, or wish to inform us of a change of address, you can do so by visiting http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/index.asp.Yours sincerely, Officer LPBImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship CanadaPermanent Resident Unit
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)楼主应该是被二审了,赶快按照要求收集提交需要的材料吧。点击展开...感觉不像是二审,二审是在补料之后,不需要提交资料。而且2017年以后二审好像很少了。以前看过二审的案例,也只是正常补料信,需要最近5年的护照和出入境记录,没有看到需要5年前的资料;并且二审依旧在Sydney,感觉楼主的申请已经不在枫叶卡续卡的部门,已经交给别的部门处理;楼主查一下邮箱,有没有遗漏以前的补料信,因为补料信中说如果没有及时补料,会转给当地办公室处理。
soleil_lee-太阳李 说:楼主应该是被二审了,赶快按照要求收集提交需要的材料吧。点击展开...啃腚是二婶了。。。。。。
在路上 说:感觉楼主要认真对待,楼主收到的补料信和续卡正常的补料信好像不一样。正常补料信是提交最近5年护照复印件和出入境记录,但是楼主补料信要的资料多得多,为什么要求的资料到2010之后,不是最近5年。而且补料要求发给温哥华办公室,正常补料是发给续卡申请同一个地方,说明申请已经转到本地办公室了?建议楼主可以把自己情况说得更仔细一些,请论坛里朋友们看看,建议认真准备资料。点击展开...当然认真准备了。温哥华办公室算起到什么作用?只是很多材料我也给过了,难道再给一遍啊
在路上 说:感觉不像是二审,二审是在补料之后,不需要提交资料。而且2017年以后二审好像很少了。以前看过二审的案例,也只是正常补料信,需要最近5年的护照和出入境记录,没有看到需要5年前的资料;并且二审依旧在Sydney,感觉楼主的申请已经不在枫叶卡续卡的部门,已经交给别的部门处理;楼主查一下邮箱,有没有遗漏以前的补料信,因为补料信中说如果没有及时补料,会转给当地办公室处理。点击展开...不是二审的话是什么?而且,我看邮件里,说If you require more time to submit documents, please notify our office at the address above within 45 days.,也不留个email地址,让我去温哥华办公室要求延长时间,我人都回国了,过分啊。然后我回邮件要求延长了,结果来封自动回复邮件只说收到,并说不会再回复了。奇怪。
fufu 说:没办法,自己打擦边球给自己找麻烦了。点击展开...没办法,家人抢救必须回啊,现在还在躺医院呢,半年多了。
zigzagda 说:没办法,家人抢救必须回啊,现在还在躺医院呢,半年多了。点击展开...把诊断书和病危通知翻译了附送上,应该没事的。
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)没办法,家人抢救必须回啊,现在还在躺医院呢,半年多了。点击展开...有医院证明再找找当地议员写个信试试。
bigblackapple 说:楼主现在居住时间应该不够了。想其他办法吧。点击展开...碰到个懂行的。。。。。。
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