加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一月递交的renew枫叶卡,现在还没有消息
家园网家人们好一月递交的申请,3月收到邮件补料(要求护照公证翻译,和所有的出入境记录)4月初寄出补料,快递显示签收。然后如今6月底,3个月过去了,没有任何消息,网上没有update,也没有收到任何邮件。烦请各位大神指点,还有请问我应该打什么电话去问?也寻求一样情况的战友们。感谢感谢!!We received your application for a permanent resident card on January 30, 2017.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 14, 2017.We started processing your application on March 14, 2017.We sent you correspondence on March 14, 2017. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.
chuchu212 说:家园网家人们好一月递交的申请,3月收到邮件补料(要求护照公证翻译,和所有的出入境记录)4月初寄出补料,快递显示签收。然后如今6月底,3个月过去了,没有任何消息,网上没有update,也没有收到任何邮件。烦请各位大神指点,还有请问我应该打什么电话去问?也寻求一样情况的战友们。感谢感谢!!We received your application for a permanent resident card on January 30, 2017.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 14, 2017.We started processing your application on March 14, 2017.We sent you correspondence on March 14, 2017. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.点击展开...你在加拿大居住了多长时间?刚够2年吗?
人间正道是沧桑你在加拿大居住了多长时间?刚够2年吗?点击展开...对的, 刚够两年。
chuchu212 说:对的, 刚够两年。点击展开...估计要多等等了,你可以看一下前辈们的换卡帖子,应该有所启发。
人间正道是沧桑 超赞 赏 yamiyami 1$(VIP 0,#425) 29,0662017-07-12#6 我们一直没出去过,结果更新也很快,三两个月左右。朋友经常回国,结果要等一年半才等来,一拿到枫叶卡,又回国了。
yamiyami 说:我们一直没出去过,结果更新也很快,三两个月左右。朋友经常回国,结果要等一年半才等来,一拿到枫叶卡,又回国了。点击展开...你朋友入籍算了,别折腾了。你朋友这一年半在加拿大干什么,不得闷死啊?
人间正道是沧桑家园网家人们好一月递交的申请,3月收到邮件补料(要求护照公证翻译,和所有的出入境记录)4月初寄出补料,快递显示签收。然后如今6月底,3个月过去了,没有任何消息,网上没有update,也没有收到任何邮件。烦请各位大神指点,还有请问我应该打什么电话去问?也寻求一样情况的战友们。感谢感谢!!We received your application for a permanent resident card on January 30, 2017.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 14, 2017.We started processing your application on March 14, 2017.We sent you correspondence on March 14, 2017. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.点击展开...现在收到新卡了吗
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