加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问和小孩一起申请入籍,小孩应该填哪张表格?
这2个地方确实有点奇怪。根据CIC官网的指引:Question 8DAnswer this question if the child's parent acquired Canadian citizenship by birth or by naturalization before February 15, 1977.Question 8FIndicate whether the child's parent left Canada for more than one (1) year before 1977. If yes, provide the dates the child's parent was away and indicate the country they were staying in. If the child's parent acquired Canadian citizenship after February 14, 1977, indicate “N/A” (Not Applicable).但问题是:8D不是一个question,而是一个需要填写的资料。8F根据楼主的情况,应该填N/A,但8F只有yes和no,没有N/A。
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