加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民renew PR card & certified true copies & 加拿大的公正服务收费如何?
1, 请问大家在renew各位的枫叶卡的时候,IRCC需要提供以下的复印件。-valid new passport of China (front page) - Canada permanent resident card -old expired passport of China I had, I held at the time I became a permanent resident (front page) -if applicable, passport page that was stamped, when I arrived in Canada and became a permanent resident 2, 在IRCC的官网上,要求所提供的复印件都要是‘certified true copies’请问各位在renew PR Card的时候,是否有在Canada当地就上述的这些文件联系过notary public呢? 一般具体收费多少?3, ‘certified true copies’具体的要求见下面Certified true copiesTo have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print all of the following on the photocopy: “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”the name of the original documentthe date of the certificationtheir nametheir official position or titletheir signatureWho can certify copies?Only authorized people can certify copies. Important information: Certifying of copies must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by an applicant’s parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or first cousin. People authorized to certify copies include the following: In Canada: a notary publica commissioner of oathsa commissioner of taking affidavitsAuthority to certify varies by province and territory. Check with your local provincial or territorial authorities to learn who has the authority to certify. Outside Canada: a notary publicAuthority to certify international documents varies by country. Check with your local authorities to learn who has the authority to certify in your country.
HalifaxNN 说:1, 请问大家在renew各位的枫叶卡的时候,IRCC需要提供以下的复印件。-valid new passport of China (front page)- Canada permanent resident card-old expired passport of China I had, I held at the time I became a permanent resident (front page)-if applicable, passport page that was stamped, when I arrived in Canada and became a permanent resident2, 在IRCC的官网上,要求所提供的复印件都要是‘certified true copies’请问各位在renew PR Card的时候,是否有在Canada当地就上述的这些文件联系过notary public呢?一般具体收费多少?3, ‘certified true copies’具体的要求见下面Certified true copiesTo have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print all of the following on the photocopy:“I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”the name of the original documentthe date of the certificationtheir nametheir official position or titletheir signatureWho can certify copies?Only authorized people can certify copies.Important information: Certifying of copies must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by an applicant’s parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or first cousin.People authorized to certify copies include the following:In Canada:a notary publica commissioner of oathsa commissioner of taking affidavitsAuthority to certify varies by province and territory. Check with your local provincial or territorial authorities to learn who has the authority to certify.Outside Canada:a notary publicAuthority to certify international documents varies by country. Check with your local authorities to learn who has the authority to certify in your country.点击展开...renew 枫叶卡只需要当前有效护照复印件就可以,没要求certified true copy吧?
这是renew 枫叶卡最新的链接Apply for, renew or replace a PR card: How to apply - Canada.caHow to apply for, renew or replace a PR cardwww.canada.ca
certified true copy是针对需要翻译公证的中文证件,比如孩子在中国的出生证明。
去CITY HALL,专门有 a commissioner of oaths 我记得以前同事邻居就可以了,现在怎么这么复杂?
爱中国,爱加拿大 超赞 赏 kittylee 3$(VIP 0,#232) 3,1872021-11-02#6 因为疫情,现在很难找到免费的commissioner of oaths可以现场服务,愿意花钱的话可以去找收费的公证机构,一般情况是第一个章要50加币,第二个章开始25加币。
因为疫情,现在很难找到免费的commissioner of oaths可以现场服务,愿意花钱的话可以去找收费的公证机构,一般情况是第一个章要50加币,第二个章开始25加币。--------傻啊。10个章才30加币呢!!!!
lakerchen 说:去CITY HALL,专门有 a commissioner of oaths我记得以前同事邻居就可以了,现在怎么这么复杂?点击展开...---------去CITY HALL 具体流程怎样办理呢?可否细讲?!!!!!具体收费怎样。我们坐标HALIFAX, NS
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