加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)


Finding out about regulated professions or tradesIn Québec, the practice of some trades and professions is regulated. For example, the engineering and nursing professions are governed by professional orders. These organisations, whose mission is to protect the public, have the authority to set admission conditions and practice standards, evaluate skills and diplomas, and issue a certificate or permit to qualified candidates.Other trades and professions are also subject to regulatory requirements with respect to their admission or practice. For instance, the trades of electrician, crane operator or gas worker are regulated by other regulatory bodies. This is also true for certain activities and disciplines in the financial sector, the teaching profession, and the heavy vehicle driver trade.Check before you leave to see if your trade or profession is governed by a regulatory body or subject to regulation. This will give you a preliminary idea of the conditions you will have to meet to practice it in Québec and of the steps you will have to take in order to present your file to the organization. This preparation will speed up your entry into the job market.Certain steps leading to the right to practise a regulated profession or trade can be undertaken in your country of residence prior to your departure for Québec. We encourage you to contact the regulatory body that governs the practice of the profession you plan to practise in Québec as soon as possible.需要知道具体职业受限和申请当地执照要求的同学,请根据下列链接,寻找到官方公布的职业与教育等相关要求(点击相关职业即可跳出PDF形式的官方文件):http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/employment/regulated-professions/professional-order.html 注意:如果你申请移民的职业在该列表内,就必须在申请时候填写D02表格,即“知道受限职业声明表”,以防补料。 若使以该职业下的技术员身份申请,则请参考以后更新的加拿大技术员职业要求,自行决定哦。 移民交流论坛:http://blog.sina.com.cn/quebecleprochain

回复: 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)难道魁北克也要象联邦那样限制职业了?

回复: 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)这个会影响到魁北克的移民吗?

回复: 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)我靠,问题乍一看,挺严重啊

你是不是先看的大腿,然后才看的回帖! 超赞 赏 M morganding 0$(VIP 0) 2,5062011-03-21#5 回复: 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)这个是这些职业如何被当地接受的条件,不是限制移民

回复: 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)标题误导大家了。这是指如果你是这些专业的,需要经过职业认证方能在当地从事这样的工作,魁省技术移民对专业、职业无任何限制。

回复: 魁北克技术移民受限职业(Limited Occupation)楼主看错了吧?我看了法语版的,意思是说如果移民来魁省后计划从事下述的职业必须得到魁省专业机构的认证。在申请时需要填表声明,跟限制移民职业是两回事!下次看清楚再发这样的贴!

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