加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC上变态是什么样子的?
递交申请已经一年了,CIC网站上仍然是下面的5句话。以前还可以通过北京使馆网站查询详细的进度代码,但现在北京使馆网站关闭了,而CIC网站的状态太粗略。请问已经收到ME信的TX,在使馆发出ME信后,CIC网站上会出现什么变化? We received your application for permanent residence on April 13, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on June 28, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Beijing office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the Beijing office on July 6, 2010. The Beijing office may contact you. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on October 8, 2010.
2010/4/12投递成功; 2010/6/28-RN ; 2010/8/13-FN; 2010/10/8-IP; 2010/12/03-变6. 2011/08/25-收到电子ME, 2011/09/24-体检,2011/09/26 体检结果寄到使馆(未寄护照);2012/1/29 补寄护照,2012-2-2 护照签收;2012/2/21 DM;2012/2/27,收到大信封,毕业。 超赞 赏 J joey712 0$(VIP 0) 2392011-03-24#2 回复: CIC上变态是什么样子的?收到me了也还是没变化。mer了才会变。
回复: CIC上变态是什么样子的?CIC的完整状态如下所示: We received your application for permanent residence on XXX. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on XXX. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Beijing office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the Beijing office onXXX. The Beijing office may contact you. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on XXX. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. You entered Canada at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Terminal No. 1 office on XXXand became a Permanent Resident. 就LZ目前的状况看,即使ME了CIC也不会变化的。只能耐心等待了。
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